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The first group to attack was the campers,"Void, do really think you can win?" Annabeth taunted. "No, I don't think so," they laughed,"I know so." The laugher stopped. "Now is your only chance, surrender or else." They did the stupid thing, they attacked. I stompee my right foot and the ground became liquid trapping all the demigods. I put them in a cage made of ground. Next was the gods, they did the same thing as their children. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I gave each one of them a zap of electricity and they were out cold. "Nephew!" I turned around to see Chaos. "My dear uncle! Are you ready to lose?" He laughed. "No, but you are." Looks like he doesn't remember my Void Dust. "Let's see who is the best! No element powers only that suits your domain!" Chaos announced and I nodded. He attacked me by throwing black energy at me. I sidestepped and shot black and white energy at him. He also dodged. I came running at him like lightning. We fought for 45 minutes untill I acidentaly let him trip me. I fell onto the ground and he had his sword at my neck. "Void, your weak." I laughed and lifted me cupped hand. "No, I am smart. This was all part of my plan..." relization struck him, but before he could pull back I had already blew Void Dust in his face. He was unconsious in a splitsecond. Just then the horn sounded signalling the end and my victory!

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now