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I was once again in my cabin, but with me was Order in all his glory,"Aslort,did you enjoy my gift? O, I also have a messege gor you." I looked at him through teary eyes,"What do you want?" He laughed. "Be ready for what is to come or you..."

My dream changed I was with Chaos

"Son, listen to me. Camp is going to be attacked in four days be ready." He informed me and I started to wake up.

"He is awake!" I heard someone call. "Percy!" I saw Annabeth leaning over me,"Who are you talking to?" She sighed and went to find someone. Later Poseidon came in,"Son, I am so glad your okay!" I stared at him. "You are not my father." He started to tear up,"Please don't be like this?" I started to rise, but he pushed me back down,"You need to rest." I was starting to get angry,"You can't command the prince of the universe! Now let go I want to go outside." He pulled back in shock and I stood up.
Outside the campers and gods were waiting,"Aslort, will you please continue your story?" Zeus asked. "You people don't know what your doing to me, but let's continue." I looked at them for a while then went on with my misrable life,"I was on the run untill one night something powerfull was chasing me. Having nothing to live for, I stopped and faced thd beast. The thing was Order," alot of gasps,"He told me he was my new torturer and nightmare and I believed him. At first I was confused, but then he... he...he" my voice flatered. I was in so much pain. "Aslort you okay?" Blade asked concerned. "Yes. He ripped out my heart with his bare hands." Many of the people present were crying,"How did you survive?" Annabeth squicked. "I asked him to let me die, but he is a cruel being. He saved me when he broke my neck. Eversince that day I didn't have a heart and that was the day when Percy Jackson died and Aslort the monster was born. Everynight in my sleep Order tortures me, he visits me in the form of my former friends. The worst part is, I can't even die! Do you know how it feels like to be me?" They stared at me with symphaty," A few days later Chaos found me, he made me his son and assassin." I ended my story. "Percy, we are so sorry." I heard someone mutter. My eyes turned red,"Sorry? You are sorry?" They backed away in fear...

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now