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The last person arrived at 03:01, which means he is late. "Because Ares is late we're going to do mud running today." There was a few snickers,"Mud running?" I looked at the girl that said that. "You! What's your name?" She smiled. "Rena, daughter of Zeus." I laughed,"Rena, you won't be doing mud running. You will run around camp even when you can't go anymore you will, because I put a curse on you to never stop untill I say so. So run!" She started running around camp. "Now, everyone go to the creek." They obayed my orders. "Okay wait." I lifted my hands and created a black and white cloud of water. I made a dropping move and the water fell on the ground turning it into mud. "This is Kreaten mud, it's impossible to escape when your in it. The trick is to keep running on one place or you will sink and die. Move if you want to live. Everyone step into the mud." They stepped into it, maby they didn't want to run forever. They started running and I joined them.

In 30 minutes 4 people had sunk, they didn't die. I lied to scared them, they will be nasues for 2 days. I fell let them out at the end.

Only Annabeth, Nico, Poseidon, Luke, Bianca, Benkendorf and me were left. I needed to make it even more tricky,"If you want to survive you should at least run 35 miles per hour." Nico and Bianca sunk under the mud. "So do you still think mud running is a joke?" Annabeth gasped,"No, please stop this." I laughed and stopped her, with a glare she sunk under the mud. "Poseidon, so did you really love Percy?" He gasped. "Yes, I love him very much." I smirked. "You do know he never really existed, I only discised myself as a mere demigod. I lost my memory, but still had the powers." Tears were in his eyes. "He us still my son." I looked at him. "Percy never was a person." He was gone. Only Luke and Bekendorf were left. "Benkendorf, you're my best friend!" He smiled and Luke huffed. "All the years with Chaos you were my pillar. Luke is nothing to me." Luke jumped at me, but I threw him into the mud. Next I pushed Benkendorf,"Affence may be taken." I laughed and dried the mud then I flashed everyone here. "So, how was it?" Luke was furious. "You! You are a monster, you never cared." I laughed. "I am a monster, the worst of all! Nos leave that, tomorrow the same time same place. Go sleep." I left and lifted the curse on Rena. I heard her crying. "She asked for it." I fell on the grass and slept in the open.

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now