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I knew this was going to be a big fight when the gods arrived. "My lords and ladies, why are you here?" Hera chuckled. "Aslort, you don't have to call us lord or lady." I nodded and walked towards the arena. On the inside Narasissus was waiting for me,"Prepare to be crushed." I only looked at him then the gods was there and the fight could began. "You know the rules, no killing and powers are aloud to use." Chiron said. "Wait Chiron, let's make it fun. We will fight till death, if you win you live and lose you die." Narssissus suggested. "Fine. Let the fight begin!" He attacked me head on and I kicked him back right as he was about to stab me. Maby it was Order or only a reminder, but for some reason I had a blackout:

I was sitting on the beach when Annabeth came up to me,"Percy, I can't believe I loved you. You are the reason for the wars and all of my friends' deaths. If you were never born I wouldn't have this pain. I hate you!" I looked at her with tears in my eyes,"Wise Girl?" She came towards me with a dagger in her hand,"Don't call me that, you monster!" Then she stabbed me, I didn't even sidestep, because of shock. I layed on the sand as she stabbed and cutted me. When she was gone I crawled towards the ocean,"Dad, help me." I pleaded. "Perseus, you are not my son. Leave me!" I crawled deeper into the water as it started to heal me. I was in an emetional breakdown, if only I knew what was waiting for me the next day...

Back to reality

When I came out of the blackout I saw Narssissus grinning and his sword where my heart used to be. "Looks like I win." Hr sang as everyone gasped, even my soldiers. "Why are you crying, afraid of death?" I started to laugh a dark, evil laugh. "Me afraid if death? I would have killed myself if I could," I pulled out hos sword and there wasn't even blood on it,"I can't die, but you can." I said as I stabbed him in his chest. He crumbled to the ground. "Aslort, what happened to you?" Angel asked. "I don't want to talk about it. The fight is over." My soldiers started to walk away with me behind them leaving sceared gods and demigods behind.

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now