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My life was a total wreck! Why? I woke up after I died. When I came back to consiousness I was at camp's imfarmary. Chaos was sleeping in a chair, but he woke up when I groaned. "Son!" He yelled. Before I could react he called for someone. Angel,Blade and Fire appeared. "Percy!" I shook my head. "Percy died for the second time. I am Aslort." They sighed. "Son, I am so sorry." Chaos appologised. "Father, why am I still alive?" He looked down and wispered,"Remember what Order did? He made it really hard to kill you." I sighed. "Percy!" Annabeth came in the room. "Athena spawn Percy is no more. He died a second time." She looked like she wanted to cry. "What now?" I asked. "Um... there is a problem." Annabeth muttered. "What?" She looked down,"Camp is actually under attack right now." Chaos looked disbelieving at her. "You tell me now?" She backed away in fear. My father stood up, but I stopped him. "Father, be better than your brother. Be better than me." He turned wispered in my ear and left. "Blade, come. We have a fight to win." I started to get up, but Angel and Annabeth held me down. "You stay." Angel ordered. I made my skin really hot and they pulled away. "I WILL FIGHT!" My clothes turned into black armour and my sword,Omicron, at my side. I stood up, walked out of the room with the rest following me. The battle was intense, but I was not in the mood to be soft on the monsters. "Olympians and demigods! Stand back, I want to do this." Everyone stopped to look at me even the monsters. Hesitatingly my allies stepped back. "Let's end this." My eyes turned black meaning I was in killer mode. The monsters looked frightend.

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now