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Order came at me with the speed of sound. I sidestepped easily, still Order laughed. "You may have taken my brother from me, but that and the poisened wound should have at least taken fifty persent of your energy." I also laughed,"Yeah right!" But I knew he was right. I could feel my body getting  more tired by the minute. "Why don't you keep your mouth and fight me?" I mocked. He growled and shot a white beam at me. I deflected the attack with my own beam. The ground around ys was a sickly black, because of our evil powers. Power we dripping of me and you could see the anger in my eyes. I got an idea. I will use the Tic-tac trick. It works like this, I will run strait to him my sword lowered, just as he is about to stike at me, I will sidestep and stab him in his abdomen. I started with the trick, but just as I was about to strike, Order stepped back and I fell. He shot me in the chest with his original energy. I coughed Coper blood(that's my blood colour). Order smirked,"Are you okay?" I jumped up. "Fine, thanks." He growled and tackled me. We rolled around like two toddlers fighting. I hit him all over the body and he does the same. Out of nowhere he bring his fist to my face, out of skill I caught his fist and twisted. Snap! He looked horrified at his broken wrist. "Really?" I smirked. "My pleasure!" He made a sound like a drakon and changed form. In front of me stood a pure white drakon,"So you wanna play that game?" I also started to change. In my place stood a black and white drakon. With a loud roar we chraged.

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now