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Everyone was in the Dining Pavilion getting ready for the game. I wispered something to Chiron and he chuckled. "Attention! The campers, warriors, gods and Chaos will fight against Void." Everyone laughed including the warriors. They didn't really know me anymore. I was getting a bit angry,"Chaos we need you!" I yelled and he flashed in. "What happened?" He asked on high alert. I laughed,"The same as always! I need you to side with the earthlings and warriors to fight against me. What do you say?" He got an evil grin,"I accept." Chiron stepped between us which was kind of rude,"Sorry, but the game must begin. Chaos's team make your plans and Void you too." He said and flashed to the void there is something I need. In my room was Frido, my sword. "Hey pal!" They sword glowed like it was greeting me. "Ready to fight?" It glowed again and I flashed back to camp. "Where were you?" Annabeth asked. "To the Void, I fetched Frido." Chaos paled at the mention of my little friend. "Who is Frido?" Luke asked. "Wait and see. When will the game begin?" I asked. "You know the rules, no maining or killing. All powers and magicitems allowed. Go to your positions when the horn sounds the game will begin." Everyone jogged to their places. I placed my flag on a high rock, I flew there, with sharp spikes all over it. Then I made a copy of myself,"V, go get the flag I will defend mine." He nodded,"#*&# #%#@%." He said in a language only I can understand. The horn sounded and the game began. "Go!" My copy sprinted into the woods.

Percy Jackson the son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now