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"Tilly are you coming to play?"
Luke asked me.

"Yes Lukey I'm coming." I said running towards the swing set.

"Tilly, Luke it's time to go now come on sweethearts." Mum shouted.

"Longer please mummy."

"Ok 5 more minutes."

I jumped onto the swing and tried to swing myself.

"Higher higher." Luke shouted.

Because of my size compared to the swings at the time I fell off.

"Tilly are you ok? I'm sorry I love you." Luke said rushing over to me.

I still cried my mum came to me.

*end of flashback*

That's all I remembered of that day well until the next day I woke up in hospital with stitches in my head and a small concussion.

That's basially how Luke and I became best friends because he 'saved' me although he was the one who told me to go higher but I was only 4 at the time and oblivious to that.

The first few years of high school people thought Luke and I were going out like 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' but its quite the opposite. I've had the biggest crush on Luke since we were in year 9 at high school now we are in our last year of college I still have a huge crush on him, he will never know and neither will anyone else. I've had many boyfriends to try get over him but he's ingrained in my brain I'm going out with one of his best friends at the moment. I don't want to dump him to be honest he scares me a bit because he's really strong but he's nice enough but he's just not my 'type' the only boy who will ever be 'my type' is Luke.

"Tilly are you alive?" Luke asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

We were currently at my house watching Mean Girls.


"I said Michael wanted us to go hang with him Megan?"

Michael was in our little friendship group so was Megan she's basically my only girl friend and Michael's actual girlfriend. They've been going out since year 10 so just about 3 years now. They're cute together I suppose but I can get jealous sometimes though. It can get awkward if i'm hanging out with them by myself cause they get all lovey dovey.

"Yeh I need to go get changed I'll be back." I replied standing from the sofa.

"Hurry." Luke said as I stood up.

I walked into my room and pulled out my grey t-shirt, black skinny jeans and my black vans. I got changed quickly and sprayed some perfume then walked to the bathroom. I quickly chucked on some concealer, and mascara. I put my hair into a messy bun and got on my shoes.

I ran downstairs to see Luke talking to my brother Sam. They get on really well Sam's 19 and still lives with me my mum and dad. We're a happy family I suppose. My parents love Luke as well.

"Come on Luke we need to go." I said as I walked past him.

"Hello to you to Matilda." Sam smiled.

My full real name is Matilda but I hate it. So people call me Tilly or T whatever just not Matilda.

"Yes hello Samantha." I teased back.

"You know I hate that." Sam whined.

"Luke lets go." I said laughing while grabbing his arm to drag him out.

"Bye Sam." He said turning round smiling.


We'd been at Michael's for at least 3 hours now and I was getting really tired even though it was only 10 pm.

"Luke I'm tired can we go please?" I whispered because Michael and Megan fell asleep.

"Yeh come on." He whispered back. He grabbed ahold of my arm to help me up then got a piece of paper telling them we'd gone home.

"Tilly come on wake up." Luke woke me up.

I must have fallen asleep in the car on the way home. We were home but i was really tired and ended up half falling asleep I felt Luke pick me up and he carried me upstairs and laid me on my bed.

"Goodnight Tills." Luke kissed my forehead.

"Night Lucas." I mumbled as i fell into a deep sleep.


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