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"Hey Tilly." Jack said.

I didn't reply I just sat behind the door in Luke's room looking how empty it was without all his stuff.

"Tilly I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I'll be here and Megan and you and baby will be fine. And I'm sure mum will help you too you don't need to worry about money."

"Jack just please leave me alone."

"But Ti-"

"Jack please." I cut him off.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me."

I got out my phone and looked on the Internet to see for any jobs for me and I found one at Starbucks in the mall so I got changed and got my bag and went downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Jack asked.

"To the mall."

"Do you want me to come? I'll drive you." Jack offered.

"No thanks see you later Jack."

I walked to the mall and went straight to Starbucks.

"Hi please can I speak with the manger about the job available here?" I asked politely.

"Sure let me just go get him." A girl around my age said.

She went around and told me to follow her. I was lead into a room with a small desk and a guy who was about 5 years older than me say down.


"Hello my name is Tilly."

"Hi Tilly I'm Alex. Now have you got your forms?"

"Yep." I replied getting them out of my bag.

He scanned through them.

"I hope you don't mind me asking how long have you been pregnant?"

"It's fine and about 7 weeks." I said.

"OK Matilda or Tilly."

"Tilly please."

"Ok well you have got the job but unfortunately you have to leave when you're 8 months in just like any other job for safety procedures. If you decide you want to come back after you've given birth you can you'll just need to re apply."

"Ok thank you very much Alex."

"You start next Monday."

"Oh and here's your badge and what's you're size for the uniform?"

I told him and he brought out a green Starbucks polo shirt and a hat. You just need to wear plain back trousers and black trainers or shoes. See you on Monday."

"Thank you so much Alex see you on Monday."

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