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1 year and 8 months later.

It was my birthday tomorrow and Liz decided to have a small get together at her house. Megan, Michael, Calum, Ashton, Jack, Ben and Andrew were all coming too.

The boys got off tour about 4 months ago but Luke stayed in LA whilst everyone else came back home to Australia. I know all the boys have had a fall out with him because of the whole baby situation and him just leaving it to me and not making an effort. We haven't spoken since he left for the One Direction tour.

Poppy is kind of stringing words together like 'no' and 'bye' but it doesn't really make sense. She loves Calum a lot and always cries if I put her to bed while he's here. They all come and babysit if I go round to Liz's house or go out for a bit shopping.

I do want Poppy to know that she has a father. Well kind of. So we've been showing her pictures and saying 'daddy' and I think she understands. When he comes on TV or in a magazine she makes a squeal sound but not much.

"Hey Tilly. Can you please go to the supermarket and just get these things?" Liz asked handing me a list.

"Sure I'll take Poppy along with me so you won't have to worry about her."

"Ok thank you Tilly." She smiled walking away.

"Poppy." I called from the kitchen.

Michael came in holding her hand as she dragged him through.

"Thank you Michael." I smiled.

"That's ok." He smiled back. He grabbed her shoes and coat from the wrack and put them on her.

I smiled and thanked him again before leaving.

I put Poppy in the car and we drove to the local supermarket. Once we were there I got Poppy out and we walked into the supermarket.

We got into the supermarket and I picked up all the ingredients that we needed. I reached and got the flour I turned around and Poppy wasn't there.

I started to panic and asked if anyone has seen her but everyone said no. I raced up and down every isle. I started to cry. I'd lost a baby.

"If anyone has lost a small child she's at the desk please come and collect her."

I ran as fast as I could still crying from panic and headed straight to the desk.

A man was holding Poppy in his arms. I went up thanking him. He turned around and of course it was no other than Luke.

"Mumma I found daddy for you." Poppy said.

Her first sentence and she said that.

"Matilda?" He asked more shocked than me.

I nodded my head and just froze.

"Can I have her back?" I asked looking to the floor.

"Oh yes. Sorry."

"Thank you."

He passed me Poppy. But as soon as I got her she started to cry and scream.

"DADDY. DADDY." She screamed.

"Poppy baby we've got to go home now." I whispered walking away.

Don't Leave (L.H)Where stories live. Discover now