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I ran across to the car and Tilly to call the ambulance the people didn't get out the car but all that was on my mind was Tilly. Everyone ran out the house shouting to see if we were okay I turned around before I managed to look inside the car.

"S-she got hit." I managed to stutter out before holding her tighter to my chest. A small tear escaped from the corner of my eye.

"Sir we are going to need to take her to the hospital instantly please let go." The paramedic said as I cried more and tried to hold her hand.

"One person can come in the van." He said gently putting her on the stretcher.

"Can I go?" I quickly asked the rest of them.

"Of course quick." Ashton said.

"We'll meet you there." Megan said with a worried look on her face as Michael clutched her closely.

I rushed in the van and saw Tilly hooked up to some machines.

"I've got to ask a few questions." Another paramedic said as the other one put more wires around her neck.

"What's her full name please."

"Matilda Rose Joseph." I replied trying to keep my tears back. I stared at her and held her hand as she started to get colder from all the antibiotics put into her system. She laid her eyes closed with a big cut across her forehead and her foot looked broken and out of place.

"Do you know who was driving?" He asked me.

"No." I replied upset and angry that some dick ran her over. I couldn't help but blame myself for what just happened.

"Has she consumed any alcohol tonight?" He asked.

"Yes she's had about 3 drinks." I replied looking down to her beautiful face.

"Ok the people who ran her over are in hospital too. What's your name and relation to her?" He asked as we were pulling into the entrance.

"Luke Hemmings and I'm her b-boyfriend." I replied stuttering.

"We will do everything we can she's going to be just fine."

"I hope so." I muttered.

About 8 doctors and nurses ran out as soon as we got to the hospital and wheeled her quickly away from me ripping my hand out her grasp.

"Sir your going to need to wait in the waiting room." A doctor said to me.

"Please I need to be with her." I begged crying.

"I'm sorry sir she's having an operation immediately."

"NO." I shouted at the top of my lungs in the middle of the hospital but I didn't care it's my fault I need her back.

"Please calm down sir and sit over there." He pointed to some spare seats.

"It's ok she'll be fine I promise." I turned around to see Megan talking with bloodshot eyes from crying.

"How do you know? She's going to die and it'll be my fault." I replied stepping back from her.

"She won't die." She barely whispered back to me.

I sat down against the wall with my head in my heads as my palms sweated and I cried.

Megan came over and sat next to me hugging me in my vulnerable state.

"Luke look at me." She said into my ear.

I looked up.

"She won't die we won't let her." She cooed gently while Michael came over.

"It's ok Luke she'll be fine. She's strong. It's not your fault it's the dick heads fault for running her over." Michael said holding Megan's hand rubbing his thumb over hers. I don't know why but I cried even harder when I saw him do that.

"Ok well do you want a coffee?"

"No it's fine just water please." I replied sitting up.

"Call me if you need anything." he said holding Megan's hand helping her up.

I think the crash made us all sober up a bit and we weren't that drunk anyway just had a couple of bottles each. Only Tilly had the most and she wasn't here right now.

"We won't be long." He said before turning away.

4 hours later

"Mr Hemmings." The doctor called out.

"Yes." I raised to my feet quickly.

I told everyone to go home even though they were reluctant I told them I'll call them as soon as I know anything so they went and I sat in the same position shaking for the past 4 hours.

"Matilda is not awake please come over here I need to inform you of something." He said pointing to a small office room. I couldn't help but shake and tried not to cry before he told me this.

We sat down and he got his clip board and sighed.

"The people driving the car have unfortunately passed away they both had blood on the brain and damaged their chest from the impact so much that there ribs were cracked and we couldn't do anything to save them. Matilda on the other hand is in a coma we don't know when she's going to come out or if she will come out. You can see her and spend as much time with her. If she can't wake up in 2 months we have to ask your permission but it's advised we cut her off." He said to me.

"Why can't her parents do that?" I asked confused at why I made that decision when technically her parents are in charge.

"That the thing sir." He said before he cleared his throat.

"Her parents were driving the car."

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