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"Luke, Tilly pancakes." Liz called from the kitchen.

It was the first day back at collage and we had to get up at 6:00 but I was late from my lack of sleep. I ran into the shower and came out put my uniform on and put on make up then combed through my hair.

We both rushed down and saw a plate stacked with pancakes and syrup.

"Dig in." Liz said gesturing to them.

We all ate them and I checked the time 8:00. School started at 8:30 and it took 10 minuets to get there but Luke wanted to set of early so that we could walk slow and talk.

"You ready?" Luke asked me with a smile.

"Yeah. Bye Liz thanks for the pancakes." I said before we left.

"It ok have a lovely day at collage both of you. I won't be home until 7:00 tonight because it's a late shift I'll come back and make us some tea though." She smiled.

"Ok thanks mum bye." Luke said leading me out the door.

"Good morning beautiful you ok?" Luke asked holding my hand as we walked to school.

"I'm good just worried what people might say at school."

"They won't say anything and if they do just tell me." He said kissing my forehead.

"Will you beat them up?" I laughed.




"I was thinking about me moving back home."

"Why?" Luke asked confused.

"Well I live in your house using all your stuff and eating all your food and I don't pay its not fair." I sighed.

"We don't mind. My mum said you can stay as long as you want."

"She probably said that because she felt sorry for me living alone."

"Tilly please don't move. How would you pay for things at your house anyway?"

"Get a job."

"You don't need to."

We arrived at school and as we walked in our conversation died down. Loads of people were staring and whispering as we walked through.

"Matilda I'm so sorry for your loss." A random girl I've never seen in my life say.

I really didn't need to be reminded 24/7 I've tried to forget it but I can't if people talk about it all the time.

"You ok T?" Luke asked. I nodded my head.

We walked into our home room and sat right at the back. There was a group of girls who were all slags and bitch about everyone. People call them the 'populars' but no one actually likes them they hang around all the football team and flirt with them. The main 'leader' Jessica or Jess always tried to flirt with Luke and it really annoyed me. She came walking in and sat next to me and Luke.

"Did you hear Tilly killed her own parents?" Jess whispered to a few other girls.

Luke gabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"She did it on purpose to get their money from their will and her brother has become some sort of crack head. Shame really he was hot." She continued glancing over to us.

"Luke how are you haven't seen you in a while." She said standing up and leaned on Luke's shoulder.

"Leave us alone Jessica." Luke mumbled.

"Why don't you hang out with us instead of that freak?" Jess asked pointing to me.

Honestly it hurt. I couldn't keep it together much longer but I sucked it all in.

"That 'freak' is my girlfriend and she's not a freak. And I'd never 'hang out' with you." Luke said looking at her.

"Awh that's adorable freaks got a new boyfriend." Jessica cooed.

"Don't worry he'll leave you soon enough no one stays for long with you. Not even your parents could stay." She said smirking.

"Shut up Jessica I told you to leave us alone." Luke said.

"What if I don't?" She asked.

"DO YOU REALLY WANT TO FUCKING KNOW LEAVE US ALONE." Luke shouted at her causing the whole class to stop and stare at us I'd never seen him blow up like that since he was drunk.


Luke squeezed my hand and mouthed 'I'm sorry' to me and stood up and left.

"Now he's gone your all alone freak." Jessica said walking away.

All lesson they were throwing paper at me and gossiping about me and spreading rumours that I'm a psycho and to stay away from me because I'm dangerous.

Jessica and her 'gang' we in my next 2 classes as well which I'm not looking forward to.

Jessica walked over to me and put her boney elbow on my shoulder digging it in.

"Luke's mine bitch." She said laughing at my face as I winced in pain.

"Luke's my boyfriend." I mumbled as she walked away.

"What did you say?" She asked.

"I said Luke is MY boyfriend not yours."

"Whatever. I honestly don't see why he's going out with you. You're fat and ugly and have like 6million spots covering your face and your hair is greasy all the time and you have a shitty personality. You're so boring he's probably only using you to get in your pants then ditch you. He's known you for so long it must be easy to gain your trust. Don't say I didn't warn you when he ditches you." She said looking me up and down. "Oh and you killed your own parents and have a crazy drunk brother who would want to go out with a girl with no family?"

She picked up her stuff and left the class room as the bell rang. I packed up my stuff and was the last one to leave the room.

"Miss Joseph." Mr Blacker called as I was leaving the room.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"Mr Hemmings has been excluded for the rest of the day because of his behaviour after he got sent out." He explained.

"Ok." I sighed waking out the class room.

I ran into the toilets that no one used and stared at myself in the mirrors. I started wondering why Luke would actually go out with me because I am fat and ugly I wouldn't want to go out with me. Maybe Jessica was right maybe it was just out of pity.

I felt my eyes start to sting as tears were pricking at the corner of my eyes. Tears started to flow down my face as I stood in front of the mirror.

"I hate this." I whispered looking at myself.

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