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I turned on the tv and E! Network came on so I just sat watching it.

"A new band 5 Seconds Of Summer has been touring with One Direction. Last night reports say the front man Luke Hemmings was seen on a date with a mystery blonde. There's videos of them kissing and its looks as if they are getting cosy. He'd been spotted in Australia with her before they came on tour. So has lead singer Luke Hemmings brought his girlfriend with him to see the world?"

I couldn't take any more so I turned it off and just sat in a quiet house doing nothing until Jack came in.

"Hey Tilly."

I gave him a fake smile hoping he wouldn't notice.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel as if you've been asking that way to many times in the past week."

"Well it's my duty to look after you and beat Luke's arse when he gets home for being such a dick to you."

I looked down again at the mention of Luke.

"What's he done?" Jack asked.

"I'm just being jealous we broke up so there's no reason why he can't see someone else."

"Wait he's with someone already who?"

"I don't know but this isn't the first time he's seen her. Apparently he was with her while they were still here way before the tour started. He cheated on me Jack."

Jack POV•

"He did what?"

"He cheated on me." Tilly replied.

"I'm literally gonna beat his skinny arse." I said annoyed.

I told Tilly I'd be back and went upstairs. I called Luke and he answered on the 2nd call.

"Hey what's up Jack."

"No. Don't you dare. Why would you do this? You can't just get a girl pregnant then run away from the consequences. That's not only her child it's yours too. And partly mine. Me and Ben will be uncles and mum with be a grandma. Why don't you understand that? You're not just disowning the child you're disowning her. How is this fair on Tilly? Huh? She's basically homeless with no job no money and no one except me and Megan here for her. What happens when she gives birth who will be there who will tell her she doing ok. What happens if there's something wrong with her or the baby? Who will be there to help her? Oh wait that will be me and Megan. And you cheated on her you fucking dick. How stupid can you get. You've got your head in the clouds Luke. Guess what Luke life isn't a fairytale you can't just change things in the click of your fingers. Once you've done something you can't just run away." I said raising my voice. Tilly was literally a sister to me and I couldn't let Luke run away from her.

"Jack this has nothing to do with you we've broken up everything's ok so please just leave me alone."

"Leave you alone? I'll leave you alone all you want. But what do the boys think of this?"


"You haven't told them have you?"

"Haven't told them because you're scared or haven't told them because your too much of a pussy to?"

"Jack just leave me alone."

"What about the cheating then taking her on tour?"

"I was just drunk and I didn't take her on tour we just met again ok?."

"Bullshit Luke."

"Why are you being like this your supposed to be MY brother look after me. Give me advice why won't you just stick up for me?"

"Because you know what Luke you're being such an idiot right now. You're on tour you find out your girlfriend is pregnant then tell her you don't want anything to do with it to put it into care or get abortion. Haven't you thought about Tilly too? Just 2 weeks ago you were completely in love with her and would go out your way for her. What happened?"

"People change Jack. Get over it."

"What's mum said? About the baby."

"She doesn't know either."

"Does anyone know?"


"Tell her." I said then hung up.

I turned around to walk back into the living room and bumped into Tilly.

"You heard?"

She nodded her head at my question and walked into Luke's room and shut the door.

Don't Leave (L.H)Where stories live. Discover now