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"I'm a fucking dickhead." I heard someone mumble coming downstairs.

Luke appeared from behind the closed living room door.

"Listen Matilda I'm so so sorry." Luke said as he faced me. He only ever uses my full name if he's apologising or done something.

"You remember?" I asked.

"No Jack told me. But honestly I'm so sorry I don't know why I said what I said I'm a dick. I've already called Oliver and apologised to him too I'm sorry please forgive me." He pleaded.

"Luke that was a dick move but I know you were drunk."

"So you forgive me?" Luke clarified.

"Yes I forgive you. Just don't do it again."

"I promise I won't."

He pulled me into a hug and kept whispering he was sorry into my ear.

"Just a question though. Are you and Oliver a 't-thing'?" Luke asked stuttered.

"No em I don't like him like that. I like someone else." I blushed as the last bit slipped out when it didn't mean too then mentally slapped myself.

"Ohhhh." Luke mumbled as he looked a bit upset or disappointed.

"Who is it do I know them?" He asked.

"Yes you know them very well." I said as I laughed silently to myself.

"Oh my god. Is it Jack?" Luke asked.

I couldn't help the loud laughter slip out my throat. As I sat there gasping for air.

"NO you know he's basically my brother that would be fucking weird if I liked Jack like that. Plus there's a bit of an age difference." I said trying to catch my breath from the previous laughter.

"Good. Who is it though?"

"I'm not telling."

"Who knows?"

"What is this 20 questions? Shut up can we please change the conversation."

"Ok, Ok. We should go somewhere today." Luke suggested.

"Sure where do you wanna go?" I asked.

"The park again? Beach? Both?"

"Both." I agreed.

"Well we can set off at 8:00pm to the park then the beach?" Luke asked.


Most of the day I spent hanging out with Megan because we needed a catch up and I hadn't seen her in a while. She left at 7:00pm so I could get ready to go out with Luke.

I wasn't sure what to wear so I went with a pair of black skinny jeans like always and my white lace top and grey oversized pullover hoodie I just chucked on my black vans and grabbed my bag and filled it with essentials, my phone and purse. I left my hair down and put on a small amount of make up.

"Ready Til?" I heard Luke call.

"Yeh 1 sec." I said as I ran down the stairs to see Luke in his black skinny jeans and a red and black plaid shirt un buttoned and a plain black shirt underneath. We stood there staring at each other for a few minutes. He looked hot.

"Let's go." He said with a smile as he dragged me to the door.

"Bye mum. Tilly's with me we will be back later love you."

"Be safe don't make it too late love you both bye." Liz shouted from the kitchen.

We left the house and started walking towards the park. When we got there we sat down on the banking again and looked up at the sky because it was basically pitch black so we could see all the stars.

"Til I haven't asked you much but are you ok?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I mean with everything recently well it seems a long time ago but you know what I mean." He said still looking at the stars.

"Now I am. Thanks to you and the rest of the guys and Megan and your family. But thank you for being here all the time."

"Good. I'm always here for you T. That's what best friends do." He said as he held my hand.

Honestly it broke my heart a little hearing him say 'that's what best friends do' but I know he doesn't like me in that way I just have to find a way to except that.

We sat there for ages just staring at the stars.

"Tilly." Luke asked interrupting me from my day dream.

"Yeh." I replied as we both sat up still holding each other's hand.

"What would you do if I kissed you right now?" He asked.

We both leaned in.

"You'll have to find out." I whispered as our lips met each other's. He wrapped his arms round my waist and mine went to his neck as we pulled away.

"I've wanted to do that ever since Ashton's house." Luke admitted blushing a bit.

"Me too." I muttered.

"Do you wanna just go back home I can't be bothered with the beach."

"Yeah let's go." I said pulling him up.

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