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I woke up to see I was laid across Luke. I got up out of bed to get some clothes seem as I was still undressed from last nights events.

"Hey beautiful." Luke mumbled.

"Morning." I smiled facing him.

"How you feeling?" Luke asked waking up more.

"I'm good just a bit sore." I said as Luke laughed.

"I really really like you beautiful." Luke said.

"And I really really like you too." I said.

I'm in love with Luke and I was certain of it I just wasn't sure what he'd say if I told him so every time I have to change my sentence. I wanted to be 100% sure he loved me before telling him so I didn't embarrass myself.

"Later today there's like a party at Calum's do you want to go?" Luke asked catching my attention.

"Yeah sure." I smiled.

There was something a bit off about Luke this morning. I brushed it off thinking he's just probably tired from last night.

"But as for this morning I need to practice with the guys." Luke said.

"Ok I'm just gonna go for a shower and get changed." I said.

I was kind of upset he had to leave so soon but I knew he had to spend time with the guys and practice and have 'guy time' so I left him to it.

I had a shower and got changed into leggings and one of Sam's tops.

"Bye beautiful." Luke shouted up the stairs.

"Bye Lucas." I shouted back.

"I'll be back before you know it." Luke said.

I smiled and went back into his room to sort myself out. I went into the wardrobe to get my hair dryer so I could do my hair and a small folder dropped on the floor loads of pictures falling out so I thought he wouldn't mind if I had a look.

Most of them were pictures of him and the boys. But I came across one which was a picture of him kissing a girl on the cheek and he looked so happy. Maybe even happier than I've seen him. She was so pretty like the opposite to me. I felt some sort of jealousy run though me.

I shut the folder and loads of small photos fell out of him and this girl. Most of them one kissing the others cheek. Or hugging and them smiling at each other. There was one of them wrapped in blankets watching movies eating popcorn. Other ones of them throwing popcorn into each other's mouths. On the back of the photos it said 'Layla <3 Luke' or 'Love ya <3'.

I felt awful. Luke had kept pictures from his past relationships. I was putting the folder back but came across a T-shirt. It was clearly hers she was wearing it in some on the pictures. Why did Luke have her top? In a box was 2 t-shirts a blanket all the photos and a photo of her in a bikini on the beach smiling at Luke in the water. I felt so hurt. He was clearly still in love with this girl. Why would he keep her stuff if not?

I felt my blood boil. Why is there a full box of his past relationship? I got rid of Thomas' shirts and anything to remind me of him when I started going out with Luke.

My phone buzzed.

Lucas <3
I'll be home before you know it beautiful. I really miss you see you soon baby xxxxx

I chose to ignore it. I need to clear my mind. I put the stuff back - I'd ask him later- and dried my hair and put on my coat and shoes. I grabbed the keys and walked to the mall.

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