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After the party Luke walked me back to his because he had drunk alcohol and couldn't drive and I couldn't be bothered and just wanted to leave the party.

"Are you ok?" He asked me as soon as we got to his front door.

I couldn't stop thinking of Thomas and what he said.

His words just cut me up like knifes on the inside. I knew we were drifting apart but you don't expect the person that supposedly cares for you to say that to your face.

I liked Tom maybe not loved but it still hurt. I know Luke wouldn't ever say that to me even if he was angry or drunk.

When we got upstairs Luke got a blanket so he could lay down on the floor. I didn't really care if he laid on the bed or not because if he did I knew nothing would happen. But oh well he always does it if he sleeps at mine.

"You ok Tilly?" Luke asked after about 1 hour of laying in silent. He seemed more or less sober now.

I couldn't say anything but I cried again. I felt so stupid crying in front of Luke although I know he won't judge me but I hated crying in front of anyone.

He sat up and climbed into the bed trying to comfort me by rubbing my back cause I was laid on my stomach. It calmed me down.

"You'll be fine he's a dick anyway you haven't lost anything it's his loss." Luke murmured quietly.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


I woke up with Luke half off the bed and no covers on still in last nights clothes. I looked over to the clock which read 12:30.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath I'm never up this late and all the memories of last night came flooding back into my mind.

I laid wide awake thinking about last night for a while until I heard Liz (Luke's mum) say something.

"Luke wake up." She called though the door. And about 5 minutes later she came back.


I giggled slightly before deciding to get up and open the door to explain what happened last night.

"Oh I'm so sorry Tilly I didn't realise you were in there I didn't wake you up did I?" She asked in a rush.

"No no you didn't it's fine. We came back early this morning because something happened at the party so Luke offered to take me home but I forgot my house key so he decided to come here." I explain to Liz.

"When you said something happened at the party not boy problems?" She asked me looking at my with a sympathetic smile.

I nodded and look away. She pulled me into a hug.

"It's ok you'll find someone much better I promise." She said as she pulled away.

"Thank you Liz." I said giving her a small smile.

"Well we have pancakes cooking and sausage egg and bacon downstairs. Could you wake up Luke and come down to eat please?" Liz said.

"Yep sure." I replied walking back into the room.

I love Liz she treats me like her own daughter and her and my mum are really close there always going out. When it was Christmas or my birthday she would always buy the most beautiful jewellery and make up she probably treats me a lot because she doesn't have any daughters only 3 sons and a husband running around the house. I feel bad for her sometimes and wonder how she can cope with 4 boys in the house by herself but she manages to do it.

"Luke come on get up." I whispered shaking him.

He groaned and rolled over. "Tilly it's like 8 in the morning go to sleep."

"It's 12:45 actually so it's technically afternoon wake up." I said louder.


"Oh and your mum has made brunch." I said and he stood up.

We started walking downstairs to get brunch.

"Til you ok now?" Luke asked me before we got to the stairs.

Before I could answer Jack came running up behind me catching me off guard picking me up and throwing me over him shoulder.

"TILLY." He squealed like a little girl.

I couldn't help but laugh and I was starting to get really dizzy.

"Put me down." I said still laughing.

"Sorry." He said putting me back down on the floor.

"I haven't seen you in what feels like forever." He said.

"I know it's been way too long." I replied.

Jack was Luke's older brother. He moved to America to do a mechanical engineer apprenticeship. He'd been gone for 8 months.

"When did you get back?" I asked him.

"About 12 hours ago." He replied.

I just nodded back smiling. I'd known Jack basically since I was born but I was terrified of him until I was about 7. He's really nice well the whole family is.

"Luke man." Jack said going into a brotherly hug.

"You alright?" Luke asked pulling away.

"Yep just missed my little brother. How are you and how's the guys?" Jack asked.

"I'm good and the guys are fine! Any hot chicks in America?" Luke asked.

It made me a bit jealous the fact Luke doesn't like me and I'm too shy to tell him so he just talks about other girls all the time.

"You need to come see for yourself man." Jack replied laughing.

"I will have to." Luke said running down the stairs.

Jack and I followed him downstairs to eat brunch once we got there we all sat round the table and ate until we were all full. Liz, Andrew (Luke's dad) and Jack started clearing the table and told us to leave it to them so we did.

"Calum, Michael and Ashton asked us to go round later on to watch a film." Luke told me.

"Yeh that's fine." I replied.

"Don't worry Megan is gonna be there so you can all do your girly catching up. I'll drop you home so you can get changed and pick you up at 3:30." Luke told me smiling.

"Ok thank you. And thanks for last night." I said hugging him.

"Nah it's fine he's a dick. You're way to good for him anyway."

Luke always made me feel confident and comfortable in my own skin he just has a way of making me feel good. I smiled back to him and grabbed my shoes to go.

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