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After Michael and I had eaten we went back to the hospital room and slept with the rest of them. Well I couldn't really sleep I couldn't stop thinking about how Luke's always been there for me and I shouted in him face I'm such a terrible friend. I was also thinking of how to apologise to him.

"Morning T." Calum said waking up.

"Oh morning Cal." I replied.

"How are you feeling this morning?"

"I feel better just feel bad for shouting at Luke."

"He'll forgive you he probably won't even remember." He chuckled quietly as he stretched.

"How was the hospital chair?"

"Uncomfortable really really uncomfortable I kept getting stabbed in the back by these stupid arm rests." He wined.

"Awh poor Calum." I said smiling.

"Morning guys." Luke said waking up followed by Ashton.

"Morning." We both replied.

"How you feeling Til?" Luke asked

"Good. Better." I replied.


"Can I talk to you once you've woken up more?"

"Sure. Give me 5 minutes."

After 10 minutes instead of 5 Luke was fully awake and we were walking down to the Costa that had a little outdoor bit where no one cared to go.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

"I would but the doctor told me not to drink caffeine." I stated.

"Do you want any water or juice?" Luke asked.

"Yes please."

Luke went and got the drinks as I sat down outside where no one was.

He came back quickly and sat down handing me the water I thanked him and we sat in silence.

"I'm really sorry." I said breaking the awkward silence.

"For what." He asked with a puzzled face.

"Well thanks for looking after me and caring about me but I'm sorry for shouting and being a bitch after you helped me." I said looking at him dead in the eye.

"Til it's fine honestly I do care about you and want you to be safe you're not a bitch there's no need to apologise I know you were just tired and upset." Luke replied as I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Well still thank you."

"For what?"

"I don't know just being Luke."

"I haven't done anything special but it's ok I suppose."

We sat there just talking about anything and everything. I don't know how he's not annoyed with me but I was thankful for him being so supportive.

When I made it back to my room the doctors came in and ran tests again.

"A women in her early 40's came earlier asking to see you but I thought there was too many of you already. I didn't get her name but she made this basket and bought these flowers with a card so I suppose you can find out who it was. She told me to tell you to make a fast recovery she loves you and call her so she can pick you up when you can leave. Also she said someone called Sam is coming I told her not to worry because your being released later this afternoon I'll have to get a doctor to sort that out though. Here's you presents press the buzzer if you need anything." My favourite nurse explained she looked after me along with a few other people but she was the nicest.

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