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After my birthday a couple of nights ago I hadn't spoken to anyone.

Megan was coming round today though so we could have some girly time. Seem as we haven't spoken much alone.

The door bell went off as if it was planned.

"Tilly." She squealed.

"Megan." I shouted back and engulfed her into a hug.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Megan said.

"Same I miss you so much."

"Moo moo." Poppy shouted. She can't say Megan's name so she calls her 'moo moo' instead.

"Poppy." Megan called and picked her up and spun her around.

"I miss moo moo." Poppy said.

"Right before I start to cry I think we should do something." Megan laughed.

"Well I've still got the Spa voucher Liz got me and its for two people." I suggested.

"I'll call Michael. To babysit Poppy if you want."

I nodded my head. "Thank you."

"Hey beautiful." He answered.

"Hey baby. Can you do me a favour?"

"Anything for you."

"Can you babysit Poppy?"

"Well she'll have to come to Ashton's house cause we are all at band practise if that's ok with Tilly."

I nodded my head.

"Sure that's fine. Thank you Mikey."

"Ok see you soon baby love you."

"Love you too."

Megan hung up the phone and smiled.

"Looks like we are having a spa day." She shouted.

I laughed at her and thanked her.

"You two are so cute." I said.

"Thank you. You should see him when we're alone though." She laughed.

"Poppy do you want to go see Calum, Michael, Ashy and daddy?"

"Yes mummy."

"Let's go get your shoes on."

We all got ready and put everything in the car.

We drove to Megan's to get her stuff then to Ashton's house to drop Poppy off.

I got out and got Poppy out who was currently sleeping. I walked up to the house with a bag in one hand and Poppy in the other. And knocked on the door.

Luke answered.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi." I said back.

I stared at him for a while.

"I'll take care of her. Promise." He said.

"Ok well thank you."

"It's fine." He smiled.

I passed Poppy to Luke and the bag of things.

"Calum knows all the times to put her down and feed her. Please make sure you don't play really loud and damage her ears. Also if she calls someone else her dad please correct her. Oh an-"

"T stop worrying now go have a good time." Luke cut me off.

"Sorry." I apologised. I headed for the car and got back in.

We drove to the spa and spent a good 3 hours there.

"Hey. Yep. That's fine.Thanks. I won't I promise. Yep. Yep. I know. Love you. Yes. Bye."  Megan was on the phone to who I suppose was Michael.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Oh em. Just my dad." Megan lied. She doesn't even speak with her dad. He left when she was 2.

"Dad?" I asked surprised.

"Did I said dad? I meant brother." She lied again.

"Ok." I nodded my head.

We were heading for my house.

"We need to go get Poppy."

"The guys text me saying they'd bring her round later." She lied. Again.

I know when Megan lies I've been friend with her for most of my life.

"Cool." I replied.

We got to my house and it was dark by the time we were home.

Megan lead me to the back garden saying that she needed to check something.

There was fairy lights and beanbags on the floor. It reminded me of the boys showing us their band.

A stage light came on to a huge stage area and there stood Michael, Calum and Luke, Ashton behind the drum kit.

"This is for you Tilly. I'm sorry." Luke said.

They all started to play their instruments and Luke sang.

"Whoa, whoa
This is everything I didn't say

Wait, don't tell me, heaven is a place on earth
I wish I could rewind all the times that I didn't
Show you what you're really worth
(what you're really worth)

The way, you held me, I wish that I had put you first
I was wrong I admit, numb from your kiss
While you were slipping through my fingertips

Taking every breath away
With all of the mistakes I made
From all the letters that I saved
This is everything I didn't say
I wish I could've made you stay
And I'm the only one to blame
I know that it's a little too late
This is everything I didn't say

Whoa, whoa
This is everything I didn't say

Wake me up now, and tell me this is all a bad dream
All the songs that I wrote, all the wrongs that I hoped would erase from your memory
(erase from your memory)
Holding onto a broken and empty heart
Flowers I should've bought, all the hours I lost
Wish I could bring it back to the start

Taking every breath away
With all of the mistakes I made
From all the letters that I saved
This is everything I didn't say
I wish I could've made you stay
And I'm the only one to blame
I know that it's a little too late
This is everything I didn't say

I hope you know, for you I'd sacrifice
To make this right, whoa whoa
Someday, I'm sure
We'll pass each other by
Until that time

Taking every breath away
With all of the mistakes I made
From all the letters that I saved
This is everything I didn't say
I wish I could've made you stay
And I'm the only one to blame
I know that it's a little too late
This is everything I didn't say

Whoa, whoa
This is everything I didn't say."

By this point I was crying. I can't believe they'd all written a song and performed it in my back garden.

Megan and I clapped.

I looked at Luke and smiled.

"Thank you."

"Tilly I love you." Luke said into the microphone.

"I love you too Luke." I replied smiling to him.

He passed his guitar to Calum then jumped off the stage and brought me into a hug. He leant back and looked into my eyes.

"What would you do if I kissed you right now?" He repeated from our first kiss.

"You'll have to see." I answered.

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