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"Poppy." I shouted up the stairs.

"Yes mum I'm coming." She called down at me.

Poppy was now 8 years old.

As for Luke and I we got married. I used to think marriages were so over rated and that we didn't need a piece of paper show our love but I guess he can change my mind. The ceremony was small only close family and a few friends came. Michael was best man and Megan was head bridesmaid. It was cute. And that night I may have got pregnant.. But we ended up with a beautiful little boy named Miles (after his brother who didn't make it).

The boys they went away on tour but will be back in 3 days and do a couple of last shows in Australia before they stop the whole band thing. Of course they will play music together but not publicly. They all have families and their own lives to get one with.

"Mumma when's da da home?" Miles asked.

"Soon very soon in 3 days."

"Okay mummy. I miss da da though."

"So do I baby. So do I."

We were due to pick up Jack from the airport seen as he'd been on holiday with his girlfriend.

We arrived at the airport and we sat down waiting for Jack to arrive.

"Uncle Jack." Poppy screamed when she saw him. He came over and greeted us all.

"How was it?" I asked.


"Mummy look." Miles said pointing at the cameras outside of the airport. They sometimes spot us and take pictures but other times they leave us alone.

I didn't know how they found out we were coming here because I didn't say anything to anyone.

"Uncle Micel." Miles said as we saw a guy with red hair sat in the booth behind us.

"It's not uncle Michael Miles."

"Yes it is mummy."

I started to leave the airport but I couldn't find Poppy.

"Jack. Where's Poppy?" I panicked.

He nodded his head towards the terminal he walked out of and I saw Poppy in Luke's arms. I ran over to them with Miles in my arm and we squashed into a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I smiled but started crying.

"What's wrong?" He panicked.

"Nothing they're happy tears." I laughed.

"I've missed you so much." He whispered into my hair.

"I've missed you too."

"And I've missed you too mister." He said taking Miles off me.

"I've missed da da." Miles said nuzzling his head into Luke's neck.

Then I saw the other boys come out of the terminal. I couldn't help but run up to them. I've missed them and haven't seen them in what feels like years.

"I've missed you guys so much. It gets lonely without you." I said to them all.

"We've missed you too." Michael said with his newly dyed blonde hair.

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