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Luke POV:

I didn't move I couldn't move my eyes clouded over and I couldn't breathe properly. Everything stopped and I stared at the doctor speechless.

"Luke are you ok?" He asked.

I shook my head and my everything seemed to go in slow motion. My eyes filled up. I fell to the floor and cried. My stomach twisted in a tight knot as if someone was suffocating me. The tears wouldn't stop it was as if they were demanding to come out.

I had to tell my best friend and the only girl I've ever loved that her parents are dead and she is an orphan if she wakes up.

Mr and Mrs Joseph were like my second parents my whole world was being swallowed up and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Luke I'm so sorry we're here." Megan rushed in as everyone followed.

She bent down and hugged me crying herself. Michael bent down and I clung onto him like my life depended on it.

"I'm sorry for your loss. You can stay here as long as you want." The doctor said leaving the room.

"I-I can't tell her." I said after my cries wore down a bit.

"I'll tell her. We're all here for her and for you it'll be ok Luke she won't blame you its not your or her fault." Ashton said gently.

We sat on the floor for ages all crying together but mostly me. Mr and Mrs Joseph cared about all of us. They looked after us and we were all like a big family so it was like we were all losing part of us.

"I want to see her." I mumbled as I stopped crying.

"Ok I'll get the doctor to take you." Michael said leaving the room.

The doctor came back and told me she was in Ward 52 Room 38.

I got up and walked down the hall until I found her room. I walked in and saw a her with a bruise on her face and the same cut across her forehead with her ankle slightly raised with a small pot covering it. I grabbed a chair and pulled it close to her. I sat down and took her hand kissing it gently.

"Hi Tilly." I started. "I miss you its only been a few hours but I still miss you. As soon as you told me you had more than friend feelings for me I couldn't agree more I've had a crush on you since Year 8 never mind Year 9 I've tried getting over you with all the other girls but you cloud up my mind. I'm so sorry I'm all cried out so I can't cry anymore but I want to let you know I'm so sorry I can't apologise more the minute you wake up I'll be here every step of the way. Please wake up baby. You mean everything to me I'll do anything for you to wake up your too strong not too wake up. I need you I can't be here without you. You make me complete and you never fail to make me smile." I chuckled at the memories of her cringeworthy jokes that weren't even that funny. "I can't lose you because I-I love you Tilly. I'm so sorry for everything I've done I love you wake up for me baby." I ended kissing her cheek as gently as I could. I rested my head next to her waist and fell asleep.

"Luke come on wake up." I heard a voice.

"Hey Luke." I heard someone else.

I opened my eyes and saw Megan and Michael stood at the end of the bed where I fell asleep last night.

"Morning." I grumbled as I sat up looking towards Tilly.

She was still laid with hair in her eyes still 'asleep' like the last time I saw her. I moved her hair to the side of her face and smiled at how beautiful she looked.

"How you feeling?" Megan asked.

"Ok I guess she needs to wake up I can't do anything without her." I said more to myself than anyone.

"We all want her to wake up we just have to wait." Michael said.

"Do you want to get some food I'll stay here with her while you eat and call you if anything happens I promise?" Megan questioned.

"Come on Luke I'll go with you, you haven't eaten since yesterday lunch and it's now 11:30." Michael stated.

"Ok but I'll only be 1/2 hour." I said because I was starving.

Megan POV:

The guys left and I took Luke's seat next to Tilly.

"Hey Til I miss you please wake up. You don't understand how much Luke misses you it's only been a few hours and he's stuck in this stupid rut. I think he's cried more than anyone and he stayed here last night looking after you. I practically had to beg Michael to take him for something to eat he didn't want to leave you. Come on Til I'm begging you please wake up we all need you especially Luke. Your brother went to America the night you got hit but he's on a flight back now he should be here tomorrow morning. Luke needs you more than ever please wake up if you're anything it's strong you will fight through this I know you can don't give up please wake up I miss you." I ended looking at her.

Luke and Michael came back as soon as I finished speaking to her.

"Come on baby we need to go now it's school." Michael said to me.

"Mikey I can't go to school I don't want to leave her what if she wakes up?" I asked getting worried about leaving Luke here alone.

"It's fine come on I'm sure Luke will call us if something happens." He said so I said bye to Luke and left for school.

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