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Luke POV:

I've been sat here for 7 weeks waiting for her to wake up nothing's changed she's still laid on the same bed wearing the same things the same routine everyday I speak to her then Michael Megan Calum and Ashton come to see me while I go for something to drink and eat then I come back and they leave after talking to me.

I hate to say it but I'm slowly giving up the girl I love is fading away. She's becoming further and further out of my reach and I can't do anything to stop that.

"Luke man you need to come back to school these past 7 weeks seem like 7 months without you we all miss you." Ashton told me.

We were all sat next to Tilly watching her and talking.

"I'll come back when she wakes up." I said looking up at Tilly.

"Are you sure? You're completely out of it." Ashton replied with a worried look on his face.

"I'm fine. I'm just so impatient I need her I need her to wake up it feels as if the world is putting everything in slow motion just because of what I've done."

"You didn't do anything." Michael sternly stated.

"Michael." I sighed.

"You can tell me but I know what I did no one can be blamed but me I let her go when she was drunk the only person who tried stopping her was Calum I should have stopped her. She needs to wake up I'm starting to think she won't." I mumbled.

Everyone went quiet and looked at me.

"I mean what happens if she doesn't wake up I'm losing hope the girl I love is dying before my eyes." I said frustratedly.

"You love her?" Calum gently asked.

"Y-yes." I bluntly said. "It doesn't matter now because she'll die and her killed her." I walked out the room as I felt tears pricking at the corner of my eyes.

I walked down the corridor and straight outside towards the tree that stood in the corner of the car park in a patch of mud I sat down and let the tears fall from my eyes.

I haven't showered for 2 weeks I haven't moved from the same hospital. I've sat there in the same spot talking to her I can't live without her.

"Lucas." I heard someone call. "Come here."

I recognised it to be Calum as he sat down beside me and side hugged me.

"It's gonna be ok I promise." He said into my shoulder.

"I miss you Luke you laughing being happy acting care free enjoying the time you spend with us just being you I feel as if your fading with her please come back inside and stop crying mate you're gonna call me a girl but when you cry it destroys me cause I know how you feel. Remember when Zoe died?" He asked. Zoe was Calum's baby sister who got pushed off a bridge by some truck 4 years ago.

"Well that made me depressed and I don't want you getting to that stage your too strong for that. You know she's strong she'll get through it however long it takes I promise she'll fight it you know how she is she's a fighter." He said as he stood up brushing his trousers from the mud putting his hand out to help me up.

"I'm sorry Cal." I mumbled as I got up.

"It's ok we miss you promise you'll come to school at least 1 day next week?"

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