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I heard my phone alarm go off and groaned not wanting to get out of my warm comfy bed. But I knew I had to because Ashton would be here in 1 hour to pick me up to take me to collage.

I heaved myself out of bed and into the shower. As soon as I'd finished I wrapped the towel around myself and heard a bang in my room so I ran back in to see Luke spread across my floor.

"Luke what are you doing here at this time?" I asked him laughing a little bit confused why he was on the floor.

"Well I wanted to say morning and I left my wallet and phone here last night and needed it for school I've already told Ash to come and pick us both up here." he replied smiling.

Ashton and Calum were also in our little friendship group I've known Calum since high school and Ashton since the start of collage. Luke became friends with them from music classes and introduced me to them properly the same with Michael.

"Ok well you can go downstairs I need to get changed mum and Sam should be down there already."

"Ok hurry up though they'll be here in 10." Luke said leaving the room.

I got dressed and strightend my hair and did my make up as usual. I grabbed my bag, phone and my folders pulled my jumper on then headed downstairs. I'd decided on my normal black skinny jeans a vest top and my grey Hard Rock Cafe jumper.

"There you are." Luke smiled.

"Here I am." I mumbled trying to get some food before we had to leave.

Ashton beeped him horn signiling for us to get out and leave. I got a breakfast bar and my bags and Luke followed.

"Morning Til." Ashton smilied.

"Morning Ash." I replied.

"Morning." I said smiling to Calum and Michael.

Megan got the train to school with her sister because they lived the other side of town.

"Morning." They both replied.

Ashton has been taking us all to school for a while now ever since the first year of collage. His mum bought him a car for his 17th birthday.

We arrived at school and we all piled out the car. I walked into school next to Luke seem as I have first period with him.

"Morning babe." I heard from behind me already knowing it was Tom.

"Morning." I turned around and fake smiled.

He pulled me into a kiss and I kissed back slightly although I was embarrassed because Luke was next to us. Luckily the bell went so I pulled away before anything else could happen.

"See you at break." He shouted running down the hall.

"Yeh bye." I rolled my eyes.

"You don't seem to like him you know." Luke said noticing my eye roll.

"Whatever I need to get to class see you at break." I said rolling my eyes again.

"We have first period together and I sit next to you." He smiled while following me.

I do like Tom but I feel as if he just uses me to show off when he wants in front of his friends. He doesn't know the difference between my fake smile and real smile he doesn't know what to do when I'm sad he usually ignores me tells me to grow up and ditches me for his mates. We aren't in a real relationship if he doesn't even know me.

That's another thing I love about Luke he won't judge me he can comfort me he knows when I'm happy or sad he knows the difference between my fake and real smiles he understands me more than anyone and I can rely on him 24/7.  Why isn't my life simple?

"Miss Joseph and Mr Hemmings why are you both late AGAIN?" Our English teacher Mr Armitage shouted as we strolled in.

"I was lost and need help finding this class room I realised that Tilly was in my class so I asked her to help me find where I was." Luke replied.

"Mr Hemmings I'm not stupid you've been at this collage for almost 2 years now and you've had way over 200 English lessons I'm sure you wouldn't have forgotten over night what room you're in when you come here twice a day." Mr Armitage said.

"Take a seat listen and shut up." Mr Armitage said to us both.

Our seats were right in the back corner so we could just talk all lesson anyway.

"Hey Luke." Sarah said as we walked passed. She's the schools biggest slut to put it lightly. She wears far to much make up her hair is always perfect like a barbie her clothing was always to small for her she wears a small tight crop top most of the time with skin tight shorts. She was the biggest slut I've ever known she's always trying to hook up with Luke which made me jealous most of the time because he would clearly go for someone like her rather than me.

It was near the end of English and she turned around.

"Lukey there's a party at my house this weekend if you want to come. Sophie is it?" She asked nodding towards me.

"Tilly." I corrected her.

"Yeh ok Tilly you can come too make sure to bring Ashton and Calum and Michael though." She said with a smirk.

"Sure." Luke replied with a slight smile.


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