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"Sorry about today." Luke said as I walked in the house.

"It wasn't your fault it's fine. Thanks for sticking up for me though." I mumbled.

Jess hadn't stopped picking on me since Luke left. The whole lesson she was calling me names and spreading shit around so at lunch I got loads of stares because apparently I was pregnant and I killed people for fun. It was all complete bullshit.

"You ok T?" Luke asked as he stood up.

I shook my head as tears started flowing down my face.

"What's wrong baby?" Luke rushed as he ran over to me and brought me into a hug.

"Sorry." I whispered.

"It's fine. I'm sorry for leaving you and sorry about Jess." Luke shook his head wiping under my eyes.

After about 5 minutes of me crying I stopped but I had a question in the back of my mind and I knew it wasn't true but I had to ask.


"Yes." He replied pulling away so he could see me.

"Are you going to leave me?"

"Of course not baby why would I?"

"It's just Jess said that-"

"Don't believe a word that comes out her mouth it's bullshit I promise."

He pulled me into a side hug and I buried my face into his neck as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I'm never gonna leave you Til." He whispered.


We were at Michaels house with Calum, Ashton and Megan.

"Who wants pizza?" Michael asked.

"I swear all we eat is pizza." Megan laughed.

"True can't we have like Chinese or something?" I suggested.

We still ended up with Pizza even after our debate.

"How's the band going?" I asked seem as I hadn't heard much since the night they showed us.

"It's good we're uploading covers on YouTube we've got like 4 up already." Ashton said.

"And we plan on doing more." Calum added. I just nodded.

I was so happy all of them could do something together that they like doing.

Michaels phone started ringing so he left and we all just sat in silence eating our pizza.

"FUCK YES GUYS OH MY GOD SHIT!" Michael screamed running in with a huge smile on his face.

"What? What's happened?" Calum asked furrowing his eyebrows like the rest of us.

"We got a gig!" Michael clapped.

"What? Where? Why? When?" Luke asked as a huge smile spread across all their faces.

"Well someone put a notice in a window and I asked them about it and gave them my number then told them about the YouTube account and they said they loved us and want us to book a gig." Michael shouted obviously excited.

"I'm so excited oh my gosh." Calum said with a smile.

"We're gonna have to practice more AGGH can't believe we got a gig." Ashton smiled.

"That's amazing congrats guys." I said smiling at them all.

"Thanks baby." Luke mumbled as he came closer and his lips hovered above mine so I grabbed the back of his head and connected our lips.

Luke smiled as he pulled away.

"You two need to get a room seriously." Calum laughed.

"Shut up Calum." Luke said as he rolled his eyes.


"We should get going its late." Luke said to me. It was only 7:00pm but I think he wanted to be alone with me because he couldn't keep his hands off me.

"Ok. Thanks Michael." I said as he paid for the pizza.

"It's fine." He said smiling.

"See you guys later. Call me about the gig." Luke said as we stood up.

We all walked to the front door and left saying our byes. I ran into Luke's car because it was freezing. Luke got in the other's side and started the car up.

"You ok baby?" Luke asked as he put his hand on my thigh.

"I'm fine." I smiled playing with his fingers. 

"I'm so excited." Luke said talking about the gig.

"I'm so proud of you all."

We got out the car and walked up the drive hand in hand. As we reached the door Luke pushed me against it and connected our lips.

"You're so beautiful." He said moving his lips to my neck.

I slightly moaned at the feeling of his lips on me.

"LUKE, TILLY STOP MAKING OUT ON THE PORCH AND COME INSIDE." Jack shouted from his bedroom window which was right above the porch.

I laughed as Luke groaned.

"Sorry about him." Luke mumbled as he pulled my hand inside.

We said hi to Liz and went upstairs into Luke's room. Liz, Jack and Andrew had to go for a meeting at one of Jack's choices for university so they left after saying hi.

"You want to sleep in here tonight?" Luke asked me.

"Sure." I yawned.

"Here." Luke said chucking my running shorts at me and one of his shirts that was plain black.

"Thanks." I said changing into them. I took my top off and I felt Luke's warm hands touch my waist from behind.

"You're so beautiful how did I get so lucky?"

"I really like you." I said quietly.

"I really like you too." Luke mumbled against my neck.

He kissed all around my neck as I started to tug at his shirt that quickly got removed. After a few seconds all our clothes made a messy pile on the floor at the bottom of Luke's bed.

"You're so beautiful Til."

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