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Luke dropped me home and told me to be ready for 3:30. I needed a shower so I got my towel and jumped in the shower I decided I had enough time to wash my hair so I did.

When I got out it was 2:45 so I had enough time to get ready I blow dried my hair and straighten it. I got changed into my black skinny jeans and my Greenday tank top with my black converse. I did my makeup then grabbed my bag and put my headphones phone and some mints in and went downstairs.

"When did you get in?" My mum asked me.

"At 2ish." I answered. My parents didn't like me staying out until late because they worried and thought I was going to get hurt so they got mad when I stayed out late.

"Well where did you sleep you can't keep going round to people's houses they'll think that I can't look after you." She told me.

"It doesn't matter mum I was only at Luke's."

"Well it matters to me."

"No it doesn't it was 1 party and I went to Luke's nothing happened." I said.

"You didn't tell me your going to some random party." She said.

"I did." I mumbled.

"Where has this attitude come from Matilda?"

"I haven't done anything you're worrying about nothing I was safe Luke was with me the whole time then we went to his." I replied.

"Since when did you both start going to parties. Why didn't you tell me? Oh look Luke's here are you going to just wonder off somewhere else without telling me?" She raised her voice.

I didn't get why she was getting annoyed that I was out. "FINE I HATE YOU ANYWAY." I shouted slamming the door walking over to Luke's car.

"You ok?" He asked when I got in.

"Just mum being moody for no reason I told her I was at a party then slept at yours and she basically freaked out." I told him.

"Sorry." He replied.

"It's not your fault don't apologise."

We got to Michael's house and hopped out the car.

"Hi." Ashton said opening the door before we got there.

"Hi." We both replied.

I saw Megan sat on the sofa in the corner cuddled into Michael as soon as he saw me he kissed her cheek and stood up to let me sit with her I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"TILLY." She squeaked.

"Hi." I replied laughing a bit.

"Tilly." The boys squealed mocking Megan.

We all sat laughing waiting for someone to pick a film.

"What do you wanna watch?" Michael asked us all.

"Why don't we do something like play truth or dare?" Ashton suggested.

We all agreed and got an empty bottle to decide who was asking who.

"Megan you're asking Calum." Luke said.

"Truth or dare." Megan asked.

"Dare." Calum replied.

"I dare you to run around the house singing teenage dream by Katy Perry." Megan dared laughing.

"Easy." Calum said as he stood up and did it.

"Drinks?" Michael asked.

"Yes please." We said.

He came back with beers vodka and cider. I wanted to get a bit tipsy so I could forget the whole Tom situation that's been hurting me all day.

After about 3 hours we were still playing truth or dare and to put it lightly I was hammered like planned.

"Ashton asking Tilly." Luke announced.

"Truth or dare." Ashton asked me.

"Truth." I said back.

"I've been wanting to know for ages I can see it but do you have feelings for Luke like more than friends?" Ashton asked me.

"Should I be honest or lie?" I slightly slurred not being able to control my words any more.

"Truth please." Ashton replied.

"Yes I do have more than friend feelings for Luke but he doesn't like me so what's the point?" I accidentally slipped out.

"Oh shit." I quickly tried to cover up realising what I just said.

Luke looked at me then down at him hands then back at me.

Everyone was looking at me.

"Since when?" Ashton asked.

"Like forever since year 9." I said.

I was so embarrassed because I couldn't stop what was coming out my mouth.

"I'm gonna go for a walk." I said standing up.

"It's really late and your a bit drunk don't go." Calum said.

"I'm just going to the park that's across the road." I said.

"Don't be long." He replied.

I walked out the house mumbling how stupid I am to myself.

"Tilly." I heard someone shout.

I started to cross the road and turned around to see Luke coming out the house.

"TILLY WATCH OUT." He shouted.

I turned around and saw headlights coming quickly towards me I felt the car hit my hip and I fell down.

All I could see was black.

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