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All the boys were going back on tour today. Luke and I are still sorting things out. We aren't officially together but we've been hanging out and taking a lot more.

We were all round Calum's house because it was their last night here for 2 months.

"Daddy is going to miss you so much Poppy." Luke said hugging Poppy.

"I miss Daddy too." Poppy kissed Luke and smiled.

"Promise you come home. Don't leave." Poppy said.

"I could never and will never leave you. Not again. I promise."

Luke looked up and smiled apologetically at me.

I smiled back and looked joined in the others conversation.

"I miss Calum mummy." Poppy said.

We all clapped because she said his name for the first time.

"Well done baby." I smiled.

"I miss Michael and Ashton and Moo moo too."

We all smiled and clapped again.

"Just need to work on saying Megan now. Huh?"

"Yeah." She smiled.

"We'll all miss you too Pops." Calum said.

She ran over and kissed them all on the cheek.

"Love you." She said after kissing them.

I smiled at her gestures.

"Love you mummy and daddy." She said to Luke and I.

"Love you too princess." Luke said.

We stayed all night (well until Poppy was fast asleep at 10:00) then Luke drove us home.

"Thanks Luke." I smiled as he brought Poppy in.

He went straight up and put her to bed.

"I'll miss you so much Princess. I know it's two months but I've already missed far to much of your life. Thank you for forgiving me. I love you more than anything." He whispered to Poppy when he put her down.

I ran downstairs so it looked like I wasn't listening in.

"So I better get going then. Let you sleep." Luke said going towards the door.

"Wait Luke."

"Yeah." He turned round.

"Do you want to e-em maybe stay the night?"

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Certain. I won't see you for 2 months."

"Thank you." He took his shoes off and came to sit with me in the living room.

We sat next to each other with a blanket over us. I turned to face him and took hold of his hands.

"Luke. I forgive you. And I love you." I said telling him the truth.

"You what?"

"I forgive you." I repeated.

"No no I got that bit. You love me again?"

"I never stopped. I mean I couldn't. You're engrained in my brain. You've been so good with Poppy and I love you. Everything about you from your obsession with penguins to the way you smile and laugh. I've always loved you Luke and always will."

"I love you so much." He said back.

We stared at each other for a couple of seconds until I climbed onto his lap and kissed him passionately. It may have ended up in a make out session.

Don't Leave (L.H)Where stories live. Discover now