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"Do you have any chocolate milk?" Oliver asked.

Luke Michael Ashton and Calum had gone out. The rest of the Hemmings were at work so I called Oliver around so I wasn't alone.

Oliver was one of my best friends. He was one of Ben's friends little brother so anytime he came round to see Ben he'd bring Oliver. But they moved away when I was 10 so I hadn't seen them in ages. Oliver's parents both passed away when he was 4 in a house fire so it was only Oliver and his older brother left. Just like me and Sam.

"No we only have Strawberry." I replied from the sofa.

He groaned as he walked in and sat down next to me. I got my pot taken off at 10:00 this morning because it recovered quicker than expected. After we'd come back from the park we had a shower got dressed and Jack drove me there and Luke came so I was officially pot free.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked.

"Talk? I don't want to watch tv."

"Well there was something I wanted to ask you about." Oliver said nervously.

"Ask away."

"I know you said you liked Luke ages ago but do you still like him in that way?" He asked.

"Em no?" I denied but it coming out as more of a question. Of course I still like him I have for years but I didn't know what to say to Oliver.

"Well em I was w-wondering if you and me should go to a movie and get some food sometime. Like as a date?" He asked as my eyes went wide.

"Em yes why not." I said smiling of course I didn't like Oliver like that but I felt bad and it would be awkward if I didn't go but I think it'll be fun.

"Cool I'll pick you up from here at 8:30?"

"Yeh that's fine."

We spent most of the day talking and dancing around and eating food until 7:00 when Luke came home I could tell he'd had alcohol I could smell it on him.

"I'd better get home see you later Til bye Luke." Oliver said as he left.

"Luke why have you been drinking it's only 7:00?" I asked as soon as Oliver went.

"What are you two doing later?" Luke asked completely ignoring my question as we were in his room sitting on the floor.

"Well he asked me on a date." I said blushing a bit.

"And you agreed?" Luke said going red from anger.


"WHY?" He shouted.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.


Jack came rushing in and pulled me out of the room as I was crying. I'd never heard or seen Luke so angry before at anything. I didn't expect Luke to ever blow up like that whether he was drunk or not.

Jack took me to my room and shut the door as he held me I tried calming down from the flood of tears.

"What did you say?" Jack asked after I stopped crying.

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