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Liz insisted that Sam and I stayed at their house for a few weeks until we got back on our feet. So Jack drove Luke and I to my house so I could pack up what I needed.

"Do you need any help?" Luke asked me we hadn't spoken much since we left the hospital.

"No it's fine thanks." I replied.

I packed the rest of my stuff as quickly as I could then Luke and I walked back out into Jacks car and drove to their house.

"Matilda sweetie." Liz said running up to me embracing me into a hug as soon as I got in the door.

"Hi Liz." I mumbled.

"I'm so sorry sweet heart."

"It's ok."

"Em.. Well Ben and Sam are upstairs and Ben's made your bed you've got the spare room. You should go and unpack."

"Thanks Liz." I said as I dragged my bags upstairs.

I walked upstairs and went to the spare room to put my bags away. Then I headed for Ben's room.

"Sam?" I knocked.

"Sam let me in I know your there I can smell the cigarettes."

Ben came out instead and shook his head.

"He's in a really bad state and he said he doesn't want to see you." Ben explained.

"Let me in I need to talk to my brother." I pushed passed Ben with my crutches into his room.

I saw Sam curled in a ball in the corner with bloodshot eyes from crying and a cloud of cigarette smoke around him.

"Sam." I said as I walked over to him and sat beside him.

"Leave me alone."

"You don't understand how sorry I am." I cried.

"Matilda it's not your fault I just miss them a lot don't blame yourself." Sam said hugging me.

We both sat in a hug crying on each other's shoulders for ages until we both couldn't physically cry anymore.

"I'm going to unpack and go to sleep see you in the morning. Love you." I said standing up from his hug.

"Will you be ok?" I asked before I left.

"Go to bed Til I'll be just fine promise I'll be back to normal in the morning love you too night."

I left the room and got changed into my pyjamas which proved to be a struggle with my crutches. I was only wearing my over sized top and underwear. I decided to go straight into bed because today exhausted me out.

It was 9:00 at night and I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in."

Luke peeped his heard around the door.

"Til I brought some food and juice up are you ok?" He asked me.

"Thanks and I'm fine but I'm not hungry."

He came in fully and shut the door.

"You sure you're ok?" He asked and that's all he had to say to set me off again.

I shook my head and faced my pillow.

"Stay with me?" I asked.

"Of course." He replied laying down and turning the lights off.

"Night beautiful." He mumbled as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Luke was running in the road and the truck came so fast and hit him.

"LUKE." I screamed

Then my parents appeared.

"Ah Tilly you have a thing for killing people don't you first you murder us now Luke. Soon there will be no one left." My dad said.

"Why did you kill me Tilly?" Luke said.

"NO." I cried.

*end of dream*

"Til Tilly wake up." Someone was shaking me.

"Are you ok?" Luke asked.

"You're alive?" I asked crying into his shoulder.

"Of course I'm alive why wouldn't I be?"

"I thought I killed you."

"Well you didn't cause I'm here. Tilly you can't get rid of me that easily I'm always going to be here for a very long time ok?"


"Now go back to sleep." He whispered in my ear.

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