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We sat watching movies on the laptop all night until we both eventually fell asleep.

I woke up with my head on Luke's chest and his fingers were tangled in my hair and the other arm around my waist. I tried to untangle myself from his deathly grip but it was basically impossible.

"Luke." I said shaking him.

"Wake up you nugget I need to pee."

"Lukeeeeeee." I called he wouldn't wake up so there was one thing left to do. I kissed his cheek multiple times.

"Yeh yeh." He mumbled.

"Oh T sorry." He chuckled.

"Can you let me go?" I asked.


He let go of me and I wriggled off the bed and made my way to the main bathroom.

"I'm off for a shower in my bathroom." Luke said as I was walking into the bathroom I quickly nodded and locked the door behind me.

I did my business then had a shower and washed my hair. When I was finished I walked back into Luke's room but he was still in the shower.

"Lights out,
I still hear the rain,
These images that fill my head,
Now keep my fingers from making mistakes,
Tell my voice what it takes,
To speak up,
Speak up,
and keep my conscience clean when I wake.

Don't make this easy,
I want you to mean it,
You're dressed to kill,
I'm calling you out."

I heard Luke singing Jasey-Rae by All Time Low and he was amazing. I've never heard him sing but he was so talented. I've only heard him messing around while we were singing into hair brushes.

I sing but I've never told anyone because I'm too embarrassed to tell people. I heard the shower turn off which was my que to move away from the door and sit on his bed.

"Oh hey Til." Luke walked in with just a towel round his waist. I tried not to stare but I couldn't help it.

"Like what you see?" He asked me.

"Ew no." I joked.

"Of course you don't." Luke said sarcastically.

"Get ready we're going for ice cream." Luke said as I stood up to leave.

"Now?" I asked.

"Yes it's the last day of the holidays we go back to collage tomorrow."

"SHIT I completely forgot."

Luke just laughed at me.

"Don't worry mum told the teachers what happened and they said you don't have to do anything just make sure you come back." He explained.

"Ok thanks I'll go get ready."

We both finished getting ready and started walking to the ice cream shop we got inside and got ice cream then sat down at one of the booths.

"Tilly." Luke said.

"Yeh." I said looking at him.

"I-i kind of emmm have to admit something. I l-like you like more than a friend." Luke said which completely took me back because I thought he didn't like me like that.

"Well I like you too." I admitted blushing.

"I think your a really good singer." I said looking at him. He started to blush.

"What?" He asked.

"I heard you in the shower this morning. And you're really good you should do something with your voice." I said.

"Til you know I'm shit I only do it cause I have nothing else to do in the shower."

"Wash yourself?"

"Yeh but apart from that."

"Does anyone else know you can sing?" I asked.

"No but please don't tell anyone." He said.

"Can you sing for me when we get home?" I asked.


"Please please please." I begged with the best smile I could make.

"Ok but you can't tell anyone. Deal?"

"Deal." I said shaking his hand.

He kept hold of my hand as we left the ice cream shop.

"TILLY." I heard a male voice shout. I turned around and saw Michael I ran over to him and hugged him.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine how are you."

"I'm good."

"When did this happen?" He asked pointing towards mine and Luke's hands.

"Never we're not together." Luke said squeezing my hand.

"Right." Michael said dragging out the h nodding his head looking un convinced.

"We better get going." Luke said.

"Yeh ok are you free tonight?" Michael asked.

"Yeh I think so." I said.

"Good come to Calum's for 5:00 we are going to show you something." He said nodding towards Luke "and eat pizza."

"Bye see you love birds." He called as he walked off.

We laughed and walked back home.

"What do you need to show me?"

"Oh nothing." Luke said as we walked up the drive.

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