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"Mumma." Poppy said.

She had been using words a lot more and pointing at what she wants. She also understands more when I talk to her.

We were at home waiting for Liz to come round because it's my birthday. After the meal last night I'm still kind of confused on the whole Luke thing but I can't forgive him. He was a dick and as soon as he starts to cry and begs me back I can't just let him back. I'm not letting him walk back into my life like nothing happened.

"Mummy where Daddy?"

"Daddy isn't here baby."

"Why not here?"

"Because baby. In life people are going to hurt you. And I'm sorry but I can't stop it. You're going to come home one day with a broken heart. 'I guess the worlds not a wish granting factory after all' I've already learnt that. Daddy messed up. He wasn't here for us. He didn't look after mummy very well."

"Col, Mic and Ashy be my da-da?"

"No baby."

"Why muma?"

"It doesn't work like that. They all have their own lives I'm sorry."

"That's ok mummy."

Liz came round with food and everyone else also came.

"I think it's present time." Liz suggested.

We all sat down on the sofa.

I got handed presents from everyone.

"You seriously didn't have to guys."

"It's your birthday. Open them!" Ashton said smiling.

Luke was sat in the corner looking at everything around the house. He saw the photo of himself that was hung up with the rest of the boys photos next to them and smiled.

I quickly put my attention back to my presents and opened the first one.

It was a gift voucher for hot topic. Also there was some band tees I've been wanting for ages.

"Thank you so much Calum."

"It's ok hope you enjoy."

Next was Michael and Megan they got me a leather jacket I've been saving for and a voucher for a diner that we all love but it's over priced.

"Thanks Michael. Thanks Megan."

"It's fine." Megan smiled.

Next was Ashton. He bought me a pair of boots and a cute photo frame of us both. It was taken by Liz when we were watching TV I fell asleep on top of Ashton and we were cuddled together on a pile of blankets.

"Thanks Ash."

"You're welcome."

Next was Andrew and Liz. They got me a spa treatment. A really expensive perfume i love and a MacBook.

"You guys didn't have to spend all this money on me. Thank you so much." I ran over and hugged everyone and thanked them all again.

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