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5 Months later

Tilly's POV

"You'll be glad to hear your babies are perfectly healthy. At the moment you only have 2 weeks until 1 more scan then your babies will be due the next month. 29 days and you'll be baby free." The nurse said.

"Thank you so much." I smiled to her pulling my top down.

I was huge. I'm due twins in 4 weeks. My back was aching and I was craving pickles. I had to quit my Starbucks job but because I got close friends with the manager he said that he'll support me whenever I need it.

When Liz got home from the boys' tour she said she'd support me and she told Luke to come off the tour although he didn't. Jack, Megan and Liz have been here for me. Michael, Calum and Ashton (mainly Michael) have been keeping in contact with me and giving me updates on Luke.

I've tried to erase him from my mind. It hasn't really worked because he's ingrained there but I've tried.

I feel awful and I also feel sorry for these babies. Growing up without a dad. I really want Luke. He's the only one that can actually help me. Obviously Jack and everyone helps me but Luke's different whenever something went wrong he was just there to help. I suppose it's his loss though.

"You ok sweetie? Ready to go?" Liz asked.

"Oh yep." I replied snapping out my daydream.

Liz took me to the shops so I could get some baby clothes and stuff to set up a room for them. I decided that after this scan I needed to go back home. Liz can't handle me and 2 babies and 4 guys at the same time. Also it felt wrong having to live here when this is actually Luke's home. When he gets off tour I can't just be here he hates me and the babies already so there's no point forcing them on him.

"Andrew, Ben and Jack will help move your stuff back and set up the cots and the babies room."

"Thank you Liz." I replied grateful for what she's done.

"Are you sure you want to move out we have a spare room anyway?!"

"It's fine. I think it's about time I moved back anyway."

"This hasn't got anything to do with Luke moving back in within the next few months does it?"

"No it's fine honestly." I lied.

"Ok but come back with any problems. You can come round any hour of the day. Call us if you need anything. Promise?" Liz asked.

"Promise." I smiled.


Jack, Ben and Andrew we're currently helping set up my house again. They cleaned the whole house and washed everything. They fixed some electrical repairs and set up my room again. But for the babies too. We have a spare room so they cleared it out and changed it into the babies room for when they are old enough.

We were all done and downstairs having some food and tea.

I could feel a sharp pain rush though my stomach and it hurt so I screamed.

"TILLY." Jack ran over to catch me.

"What's wrong?" He asked quickly.

"My stomach."

I could feel something run down my leg.

"My waters broken." I yelled in pain.

"Ben get the car."

Ben ran out and Andrew and Jack held my hands to help carry me out.

"Call Liz." I demanded to anyone.

As soon as we got in the car we went off to the hospital and Andrew called Liz.

Jack ran in and 2 seconds later a nurse ran out.

She brought a wheelchair and 3 more nurses ran out to help me. I got in the wheelchair and Liz was holding my hand. I got pushed into a room where they checked me out.

They changed me into a hospital robe and ran a few more tests.

"Miss Joseph your babies are early so we are forced to do a cesarean section tomorrow. You have something called Chorionic hematoma. It's basically blood that's between your uterus and embryo. Because of this you've lost blood causing you to faint and the babies are needing to come out as soon as possible. You will start getting pains but hopefully the drugs we've given you will make sure the pain goes away."

"Thank you." Liz said because I was too slow to reply.

The doctor left telling me if anything is wrong to press my buzzer.

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