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It was the weekend already and the party was tonight. Luke promised to stay with me because I know he'll go hook up with some random girl and forget about me until the next morning but I agreed on going if he promised to stay with me.

That's another thing that made me jealous that pretty much ever girl had eyes for Luke and he'd go out with girls who were pretty, skinny and bitchy which is the complete opposite to me. I'm 5'5ft and I wouldn't class myself as fat but I'm not as skinny as the other girls. I also have far too many spots on my forehead but I can cover them up with lots of foundation. Luke would never date someone like me I've tried so hard to stop liking him for ages but literally nothing worked.

"You alright Til?" Luke looked at me.

"Yep just thinking about this stupid party how long have we got?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Like 4 hours." He replied.

We were at the park where our mums took us when we were little.

"I better get going then."

"Why to do all your girly shit like makeup and shower and hair and outfits and more make up and perfume?" Luke asked laughing.

"Something like that." I let out a little laugh.

"What's up you idiot?" Luke looked me in the eyes.

I hated when he did this because it made me want to kiss him even more.

"Nothing just thinking." I replied I'm a shitty liar especially to Luke.

"Tell me we're best friends can you trust me? Promise I won't tell a soul." Luke said looking at me.

"Say if I liked someone and they clearly didn't like me back what do I do?" I asked him mumbling looking at the ground.

"Tell them? Talk to them they've got to know how you feel." He replied smiling slightly.

"What if you've got no chance is it worth trying or not?" I asked.

"You'll only know the answer when you've tried so tell them and anyways I thought you loved Tom?" He asked me.

"Ok and I just was wondering I do like Thomas."

"Not love?" Luke asked frowning a bit.

"Who knows what love really is?" I replied.

"Ugh shh you with all your girly tumblr quotes now let's go get ready I said I'd drop by Calum's for a bit." He said smiling.

We walked out the park and up the road to our houses Luke lived 3 doors down from me luckily.

"We're here I'll be back to pick you up at 6:00." Luke said while hugging me.

"Bye Lucas." I said grinning.

"I told you not to call me that Matilda." He groaned.

"Whatever bye." I said walking into my house.


I had a shower and had to choose something to wear. I'm not a girly girl so I'm not wearing a dressy so I picked out my wardrobe a black skater skirt with a plum lace 3/4 length sleeved top, black tights and my vans. I straightened my hair did my make up and sprayed some perfume before I went downstairs.

"Luke Hemmings has arrived, everyone make way." Luke said as he walked into my house.

I laughed a little and hugged him.

"Hi." I said before grabbing my bag.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yep ready for this shitty party?" I asked back.

"Sure lets go. You look nice by the way."

"Thank you." I said and we walked outside to Ashton's car.

"Hi guys." I said as I climbed in the back.

"MEGAN." I shouted when I saw her It felt like I haven't seen her in ages although it had only been a few days.

"TILLY." She replied laughing.

We both pulled into an awkward hug across Calum.

"Sorry Cal." I said as we sat up.

"It's fine." He replied laughing.


We arrived at the party which took a good 30 minutes to get there.

We all were drinking but I hate getting drunk so I decided I'll be the 'mum' tonight so if anyone goes crazy at least I could drive them home.

Thomas saw me and was making his way over to me.

"Come dance baby." He slurred pulling me closer to him.

"Not tonight you're so drunk." I said pulling away I noticed Luke watching and Tom was far to drunk to be around.

"You're no fucking fun anymore you know that. You don't kiss me or touch me you are a fat ugly fucking bitch that needs to be more adventurous." He said.

The person who I thought loved me just called me fat and ugly. Great.

"Come on baby just let me kiss you come on like old times you silly bitch."

You know what they say. Drunken words are sober thoughts.

"No leave me alone Tom." I said but he pulled me back shoving his lips onto mine.

I tried to pull back but he was too strong.

"Get off her man." Luke said coming closer.

Thomas didn't listen but pulled me closer.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF HER." Luke shouted before pushing him off me.

Thomas stood up and started hitting Luke in the stomach.

"THOMAS STOP." I screamed at him trying to push him off Luke.

Calum and Michael came running up pulling Thomas off Luke.

"Oh and just for the record bitch we're done." Thomas said. "Why don't you ask your fuck friend to be with you instead of me we all know you're friends with benefits." He spat gesturing to Luke while standing up.

I didn't say anything but I ran. Ran as fast as I could anywhere to hide.

I was on the pavement a few streets away from the party crying my eyes out by myself.

I felt warm strong arms wrap around me and I jumped and tried to hold back my tears knowing it was Luke.

"You don't really have to hide. It's okay to cry. I won't judge you I promise we're best friends you should be okay with crying in front of me. What's not okay is that dickhead treating you like shit. He doesn't deserve someone as amazing as you." Luke whispered into my ear as I hugged back crying onto him shoulder.

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