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If you have no sense of humor, are easily offended, take things too personally, or are going to negatively comment on anything, PLEASE DON'T KEEP READING THIS! As in stop....here. Are you still reading? Did you agree to the Terms and Service policy? Just kidding. But seriously, if I get any comments I think are overboard or that I consider offensive enough, I will report you. If you think I'm joking...TRY ME. I don't play around with haters.

Aaaanyway, these are comebacks I've a) made up all by mahself, b) found in random places, or c) have asked and received from people and friends. If you've seen one somewhere else (or one very similar, since most of these have been changed in ways that I found more amusing, sorry if they don't work) DON'T SAY I STOLE IT!! I didn't claim that I made every single one, and if I found someone else copying mine, I'd be kinda flattered. I mean, that means they liked it, right?!

Some of you may have noticed that this is rated as mature. That was only because of the slightly prevalent potty mouth. I was just trying to cover my bases so that I don't have to worry about being reported or something. Basically, I'm saying if you're a little young, you can still read this book so long as you don't mind a little language. And if you have a problem with it...it's my book, and I refer you to comeback #49.

Also, this is my first time doing an information style book with no plot. I have two or three regular stories, but I felt like doing a simpler one for when I can't think of any storyline to write about. If you haven't written one yet, it's fun but you have to have a good idea of what you're doing.

Okay, getting off topic. The main points of this disclaimer were:
•I don't own any of these, but I made most of them up (feel free to use any of these irl and tell me how it works out)
•please no haters. Recommendations for comebacks and edits=amazing and thnx. You suck and other hater crap=GET OUTTA MAHH HOUSE!
•first info-style book so bear with me.
•mature because of language. That's the only reason.

Warning-updates may be few and far between. I had a phone with internet, but dad smashed it. Don't ask why unless you feel like a long story full of ranting. But I'll think of as many as I can when I don't have wifi and post as many as I can when I do.

P.S. Unless enough people comment/request otherwise, this book will probably stop at 101 comebacks as the title says. I realize there are a gazillion other books like this out there, but I hope you like mine and want more of it.

And without further adieu... the first comeback of 101 Comebacks by icingdeaththewhite!

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