Chapter 29: Old & New (Ilhoon POV)

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Chapter 29: Old And New (Ilhoon POV)

First Posted On: October 21st 2015

Last Updated On: October 21st 2015

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What did I just dream about? I mean, I know people complain these days that it is never easy to have a peaceful night...but after last night, everything seemed to fall into place.

How... Aigoo my head.

"Yah Jung Ilhoon!" I heard Eunkwang's morning call. "Are you still staring blankly in there? Come out and eat breakfast together! Palli!"

"Ne hyung!" I groaned and got up from my bed.

I put on my baseball cap and went to the toilet to wash my face. Now semi-awake, I came out and faced my members.

"Heol," Minhyuk looked shocked. "That's some real hangover game right there."

"Hyung..." Sungjae stared at me concerned.

"Aish..." Eunkwang grumbled. "I told you all to watch his drinking habits. You know he might get drunk..."

Drunk? Oh hang on a minute...

(Flashback - Last Night)

Bottles lay all around the dorm. My vision was very blurred and I was mumbling something incomprehensible. I was not particularly sure why I had been chugging down so much alcohol that evening. Maybe...I'm going crazy.

Someone was coming up towards me. It looked like one of my group members. Eunkwang?

"Ilhoon?!" I heard him. "Seol ma! You're drunk?!"

"NEEEEEE~ HHHHHYYYYYUUUUUNNNNGGG!" I slurred. "Do you have mmmmmooooreee?"

"What will manager hyung say if he saw you like this?!" he scolded. "Come on clear up! Right now!"

"Shireo!" I complained.

"COME TO YOUR SENSES!" Eunkwang was frustrated already and thus slapped me hard. The force of the slap made me fall asleep.

In my sleep...I suddenly dreamt of....Bomi noona? And it went on through the night...but that was more than just a dream...

(Flashback End)

But the dream felt so real... No wait that was a lie. The dream WAS real, because it happened before!

"Mianhae..." I apologised to the members, "I won't get drunk blindly again. I just...had a lot on my mind."

"Bomi sunbae, right?" Hyunsik read my thoughts. I just nodded. Maybe the myth that being drunk triggers memories is true (A/N: if there was even such a myth to begin with).

"Who else could it be then, Hyunsik?" Changsub asked him.

Bomi... My mind was so troubled because of her. I wished I could just hug her at that moment...but how would I even face her now?

But I had to speak to her, somehow. And thank goodness today was recording day. It was a new year special for 'Weekly Idol' and as 'Big Byung' was also a guest, Sungjae would follow me. I was told, that Bomi had also invited her members Namjoo and Hayoung (as they had also been MCs for 'Weekly Idol' while I was absent).

Not only that, but I wished to do something with Bomi. Something we had not done yet.

"Sungjae yah," I asked him after breakfast, "Are you ready for tonight?"

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