I'm a Monster

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"Well good! Finally!" I complained when Jaz finally arrived.

"Stop it! You're not funny at all! I'm a girl, I don't make my hair like an old ogre."

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Forget it. Let's move."

As we walked on the main road, heading to a bus station Anne had told us about, someone behind me got my attention.

"You still alive?" The person asked me from behind.
I turned and saw the last person I wanted to see.

"Marco?" I said in amazement.
He was just like I remembered him. Spiky brown hair, olive skin, pointy nose, black eyes.

Jaz looked at him, then at me.
"You two know each other?"

"Sure!" Marco answered her immediately. I was angry with him because of something that had happened between us 2 years before. Yeah... He was in my school. But what brought him to Rome?

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Ya know... Didn't get luck in school. What about ya? You seem in good shape." He joked, but no one laughed.
"Anyway," he continued, "Where're ya goin'?

"Oh... I'm going..." I looked at Jaz for help. But she seemed as speechless as I was.

"Got a girlfriend here I see!" Marco joked again.

"Um... No she isn't my girlfriend." I defended.

Jaz looked annoyed. I had to get rid of that troublemaker before things get from worse to worst.

"Come on Jaz." I tried to ignore him. "Let's go..."

But a hand landed on my shoulder and pulled me to the ground.

"Ouch!" I cried out. "Marco! You're going to pay!"

He burst into laughter.
"What's so funny? Frog head?" I said those few words and shut my mouth immediately. Marco wasn't the type of guys you want to mess with.

"What did you say? Say it again, and you're a hamburger." He threatened.

"Ok leave him alone now you big ass." It was Jaz. Oh no... She's in real trouble. "Go play with goofballs like you!"

"You're a daring girl I must admit that!" Marco cracked a smile. "Perfect for Marco."

"What?" Jaz yelled.

I struggled to my feet and took Jaz's wrist, pulling her closer to me.
"Marco. Just leave us alone, would you?"

"Ya think I came all this way, to watch ya gettin' away from me? No buddy, this wasn't planned alright?"

"What are you talking about? By God's sake!" I looked at Jaz again, "Come on. Let's move."

"Wait ya buddy!" Marco said again. I felt an urge to punch him in the stomach, but I tried to calm my temper a little bit longer.

"What?" I shouted, and I could feel Jaz shudder next to me.

"Ya pity boy." Marco said smiling playfully. "Ya missin' so many stuff, ya know?"
I closed my fist. I was ready to sending him to hell.
"Poor Jason. The Hero, well, almost." He continued. "I was worried about ya all these years, bet you're cool now. No needin' help at all from where I can see."

"That's not important now." Jaz interrupted him, taking a step forward. "What's your point?"

"My point? Ya know your friend or boyfriend here, whatever, knows nothin' about his mother as much as I do. And yet, he's forgettin' about her, tryin' to search for his sister, in time he could've been able to find answers about his mom's disappearance."

I felt like my face was heating up. He knows about my mother? How?

"What are you talking about, Marco?" I asked. "What do you know? Speak!"

"I swore I would never speak of it in front of ya." Marco said, glaring now.
"Try not to push me or you'll gonna_"

"I didn't ask you what you can do and can't do." I said, threatening. I really needed to know about mom.
"Tell me everything. Now!"

"Jason, calm down, please." Jaz told me. "Just try to trick him into saying everything you need to know." Of course, that last part, she said it into my ear.
But I knew Marco. I knew him very well. He wasn't going to tell me anything. And an idea occurred to me suddenly. I looked at the floor under Marco and concentrated. I imagined a fissure forming in the ground. As soon as I opened my eyes, the ground shook under us. I couldn't read Marco's expression, but I assumed it was terror. Jaz was next to me. I held her hand to comfort her, trying to make her feel safe. I mean seriously, what was I thinking? She is the Wizard of Nature! Why would she be afraid? I let go of her hand and took many steps back. I didn't know what people saw back there, but the fissure grew bigger, and Marco fell into it, his screams echoing through the walls of Rome.

Jaz looked stunned, not able to speak.
"Jason! You... You killed him!" She was afraid now. I made her feel this way.

"Look. You don't know who he is, and he was getting me on my nerves." I replied. But I knew Jaz would never look at me the same way from now on.

"But you killed him!" She said aloud. "That's a Dark Wizard's work! You're not better than your father by doing so."

That hurt me. Really. I didn't expect her to say this. I felt tears forming in my eyes, but I wiped them away.
"Yeah. Maybe you should go back home, Jasmine. You're no longer safe with me. I'm a monster."

She didn't say a word. She just looked at me in the eyes. She stayed this way for minutes. I was speechless. I couldn't form the right words. I just stared back. Then I did the only thing that occurred to me. I turned back, and sprinted away.

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