My Sister gets mad at Me

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We left the restaurant to find Kate waiting for us alone, still next to the statue. Selena didn't say a word, so I took the opportunity: "Where's Luke, Kate."

"I won't answer you Jason." She said with a dagger in her hand, "This is none of your business." Then she put it on my throat.

"Kate WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Selena shouted, "HAVE YOU GONE MAD?"

"Why would it be the case?" Kate asked her.

"He's your own brother. What are you thinking?"

Kate still had the dagger pointed at my throat. Selena looked at me with concern clear in her eyes. She took one step forward and put one hand on my chest, and with the other one, she took the dagger from Kate calmly. Selena put the dagger on the ground and took a deep breath: "Kate, what you've done is unforgettable. If your dad_"

"And what do you know about dad? NOTHING!"

"I know enough about him to say that he would be so disappointed of you."

Kate looked at the ground and didn't answer. I couldn't believe she tried to kill me, and Selena was the one who saved my life.

"Luke..." Kate looked at Selena, "He won't be returning."

Selena looked shocked, she looked like if she might pass out. I didn't feel sad or disappointed when I heard he wasn't coming back. But if I needed answers about what was happening with us, I had to find him. First I didn't want to ask Kate anything after what she has done, but finally I did.

"Where did Luke go?" I asked Kate.
I looked at Selena to see her reaction after that question, but nothing. I was relieved she didn't react, because I began thinking she didn't care about him so much anymore.

"Why are you asking?" She glared at me, "You were about to kill each other!"

"It was his fault!" I shouted back.

"What did he do?"

"He insulted Sele_"

"ENOUGH YOU TWO!" Selena yelled, "We have other problems now!"

Actually, she was right. We needed to find dad and run from people trying to follow us.

"Tell me," Selena said, "any idea how we can find Paul?"

Paul is my father. But no, I had no idea of how we could find him, so I shook my head. I looked at Kate for answers. A few seconds later, she proposed: "We can talk to someone who knows him." Then Kate looked at me, "Did you took any number from anyone back in New York?"

"Yes he did," Selena said, "You asked the girl if she has your number before we left." She continued looking at me.

Yes I did. I had Elsa's number.

"Great!" Kate said, "We could take Mrs Ramirez's number and contact her."

"How could she help us anyway?" I asked.

"She knows his friends, Jason."

"Jace, please."

"Whatever. If Mrs Ramirez knows some of his close friends, she could give us their numbers."


I mean really, if anyone had known dad back then, how he could've been able to help us anyway?

Kate took my phone out of my pocket and searched for Elsa's number: "Aha! There it is!"

I took the phone out of her hand quickly: "I should talk." I called her and pressed speaker so we could all hear.
(Elsa: E ; Me: J)

E: hello?
J: hi Elsa
E: Jason? Oh my... I missed you!
J: I missed you too. Look I need your mom's help please, it's an emergency
E: ok, ask me
J: please tell your mother to give you all my dad's friends numbers. Can you do that?
E: well yeah, why not?
J: ok thank you so much Elsa. I need to go.
E: Jace?
J: yeah?
E: I love you
J: Elsa, we'll talk later

And I closed the phone. I looked at Kate who was trying not to crack a smile, then at Selena who was staring at the floor.

"I told you a serious conversation!" Kate said, "Not a romantic one!"

"You didn't say that." I said, "And two, it wasn't romantic."

"Not at all. The I love you one meant I hate you forever."

"Stop it. Selena, we'll know where's Luke, don't worry_"

"I'm not worried." Selena looked at Kate, "I think someone else is."
And by that I knew she meant my sister.

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