An old Story

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"Elsa!" I cried out. Elsa stood in front of me, glaring. Why is she mad? I asked myself. I walked forward and wrapped her in a hug. She didn't hug me back, she showed no reaction at all. She was wearing the same clothes she had been wearing when they made out of her a sacrifice. Blue jeans and a white shirt. I pulled away, my heart beating. I looked in her black eyes, staring.

Selena got me back to reality.
"Jace!" She said.

"Yes?" I backed away from Elsa and looked at Selena.

"Come with me." She told me.
I looked at Elsa one more time, and we locked eyes.
"Elsa." I marched forward again and took her left hand. "Listen to me. I'm Jason now. I'm back."

She tore up, but I wiped her tears away, then grabbed her face in my hands and kissed her cheek softly. She didn't move. I pulled back and looked at her.
"You are Jason." Elsa said, almost smiling. "But I am not Elsa anymore... I- I'm so sorry, Jason. We can't build what we thought we could have."
And with that, she hugged me one last time, before she turned her back and got out of the room.
I stood there stunned, not able to talk or move. Why has she left? That wasn't fair.

"Drama." Fred commented suddenly. I almost forgot he was there.
I looked at Selena and shook my head.
"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"No that's fine." She replied. "Anyway, you know our relationship wasn't true from the first place."

"Yeah. Guess you're right. Why are you here? How are you here? And free as well? And how did Elsa come here too?"

"I tricked them into believing me." She said. "And now you must act like if you think I'm bad, and come with me."

I studied her. Should I believe her? She tricked me once.

"Yeah ok." I pointed at Fred. "And what about him?"

"He'll stay here for now. And don't worry, you'll see him again. they just want to talk to you."

"What about Elsa? Where did she go? And how they let her free?"

Selena smiled dryly. "There's a lot of things you don't know about the Breakers. They play with your mind, make you one of them. But don't worry, she is not one of them. Not yet."

"But. Why did she leave?"

"She's giving up her powers. And only Dark Wizards can do that, taking off someone's powers. So she made with them a deal. She'll leave you alone, and never see you again, because by doing so, you'll be more safe. And they promised her they won't touch you anymore if she does so. So she agreed."

"What in hell is she doing?" I shouted. "It doesn't make any sense! What if they're lying? They've been after me from the first place, why now leaving me alone because a girl just gave up her powers?"

"Well... That's part of the truth." Fred finally took the opportunity to talk. He stood up and put his hands in his pockets before he continued.
"You know Jace," he said. "Elsa isn't just a Wizard. She's special somehow. She has a place in a kingdom, next to her lover. And Dark Wizards know that." He stopped, probably to regain his thoughts. "And without her, the kingdom or the King would be nothing. That's why they needed her to give up her powers. And by doing so, she gave up her ruler role."

My mind was turning all around. I needed to put the pieces together and ask the right questions before I lose more time.
"So Elsa doesn't know that." I said.

"No." Selena replied.

"And the Breakers convinced her."

"By telling her another story."

"And she has a Kingdom."


"And a lover."

Selena stopped immediately and met Fred's eyes. What were they hiding?

"Does Elsa has someone else she loves or loved?" Fred asked me, raising his eyebrows.

I tried to think straight, memories rushing back to me about that night we had a pajama party.

"Yes. Yes she had." I said aloud. "Leo."

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