I get Angry

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Fred looked at me speechless, so Selena took the opportunity to talk.
"Leo who?" She asked.

"Oh." I said shaking my head. "He's no one important you know. He's just an old friend. And I could see Elsa liked him and_"

"Wait." Selena hold up her hand. "I hear someone coming. Be ready Jace. We'll talk later. Come with me now."
She took my hand, and I felt like if I was just with the right person. But also, I knew we couldn't anymore. Selena and I weren't meant to be with each other after all. I tried to forget she was holding my hand and followed her in a large corridor. There was on door at the end. Selena pointed at it.

"Here." She told me. "Go on."

I glared at her. "You sure? I'm going to be fine?"

"Yeah yeah. But now stop talking and go on."

That's when I opened the door and entered.

"Dimetrios." I said.

He was sitting behind a desk, and all around him were probably wizards siting on brown chairs, but with nothing in front of them

"Sit." Dimetrios said, gesturing toward an empty chair.
Looking straight at this black-eyed Breakers leader, I wondered if he could cry. I wondered if he had emotions about anything.

"I thought I was going to be freed." I marched forward and gripped the edge of his desk.
"Selena was a lie. My father is played with, and all you know how to do is to capture us and bring us here. Was that your idea of a joke?"

One of the wizards grabbed me and held my arms behind my back. Dimetrios stood up sharply.
"Release him. He's more angry than dangerous."

With a grunt, the wizard pushed me down into a chair. Dimetrios came around his desk, sat on the edge, and leaned toward me. When he spoke, his voice was sad.
"Until you have experienced the death of your own blood before your eyes, you will not appreciate what it means to love and lose someone."

"What makes you think I don't know that?" I snapped.

I looked away so I wouldn't be tempted to blurt out any truths about my mother.

"If you do know, then we may begin to understand each other."

"Well, I do believe_"

"My liege." Dimetrios stood up and bowed before me. I stood up as well, shocked.

"What are you doing?" I asked him wide-eyes.
He looked into my eyes. And before I can say anything, he said, "There's an old story about a queen who will fall in love with nature. And after years of searching, I found out it was Elsa. The story says that the queen has a kingdom hidden, and she doesn't know about it. It also says that she will die after she falls in love with nature, which we believe it's a Wizard of Nature, and nature shall finally rule."

"Is that a joke?" I asked.

"Of course not." Dimetrios's expression turned more serious. "She had to die when you were in Babylon. But she escaped and I don't know how. So we told her another story which she surly believed, and gave up her powers."

"You don't know what you've done Dimetrios!" I shouted. "You have no idea! You'll pay for that!"

"You know what Jason?" He began. "You lost your mother and it wasn't your fault, neither before your eyes. Well the blood of my father is on my hands, and you don't know how it feels like. You look at me and see a very bad guy. But you don't know what's hidden inside me, Jason. You can't judge a book by its cover. Learn that."

I didn't like Dimetrios's attitude, because it wasn't a Dark Wizard's character. But also, I couldn't hate the guy, because he seemed so upset with himself you could barely glare at him or feel like total hate towards him. But he just took Elsa's powers, and I wasn't ready to take it easily.

"Where's Elsa?" I asked him after a quite moment.

"She's gone." He said, "She's not here anymore. And by here I don't mean the Institute. I mean anywhere."

That's when I felt my hand heating up and my eyes burning.
"No!" I shouted so aloud what made Dimetrios fall to the ground, on his back.

"You're not getting away with this!" My voice got louder. "You will pay!"

Dimetrios stood up fast. He thrust his hands toward me and dark mist appeared around me. I tried to focus and do something quick. But before I could take the opportunity, Dimetrios had a dagger in his hand, ready to stab me with it. I ran to the door, but a wizard caught my way.

"Stay where you are." He warned glaring.

I turned toward Dimetrios who was marching in my way, sweat covering his face. I tried to think of something and remembered what I did to Marco. 
But I wasn't going to make the same mistake.

"You said I am your king!" I said aloud before gripping the Breaker's shoulders.
The wizards stood up, but before they could do anything, there was an earth-shake. There was some screaming before they all got out of the room, leaving Dimetrios and me alone.
Maybe my anger created the earth-shake, but I didn't have enough time to think about it.
Dimetrios freed himself from my hands by kicking me in the stomach. I fell to the ground, panting.
He smiled, what made me angrier.
I stood up to face him. He pointed his dagger at my neck. I slapped his hand so fast the dagger fell to the ground.
I ran to take it, Dimetrios right beside me. I was so close to reaching it, but he took me by my shirt and  pushed me out of his way.

"You're so weak, Jason Ford." He said, taking the dagger.
He took me by the hair. I cried out from pain.

"And now, I'm taking your soul away." He said that sentence like if he had just been crowned as a king.
I was so close to him. And he was going to stab that knife in my chest.
I closed my eyes, and I felt a tear making its way down my cheek.

"You're so done Jason Fo_". He said when he stopped suddenly. I opened my eyes to see him frozen in his place, and in his mouth was a stick of wood, and he was tied with tree branches.

"You shouldn't have run away like that." A girl's voice said and I recognized it immediately.
I pushed Dimetrios to the ground to see the figure of Jasmine smiling.

I ran to her and hugged her so tight.
"Jason... I can't breathe you know." She said.
I pulled away and smiled as well.

"I'm so sorry Jaz." I apologized, hoping she'd forgive me. "That thing I did with Marco, and the_"

She came closer to me and put her hand on my mouth.
"Shh." She said, "It's ok. But you need to lower your voice because someone might hear us. And don't worry, Marco isn't dead. I saved him."

"You what?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah. I saved him. He's such a friend when he's good you know. You should have treated him well, and he won't stand against you."

Does Jaz like Marco? No way.

"Where_" I asked when Marco himself entered the room.
We locked eyes, then Jaz took his arm and turned to face him.
"I know you can." She told him.
What's wrong with her?

"I'm sorry, Jason." Marco said, lowering his head.

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