Chapter 1

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"Mrs. Sawada, I'm sorry for your loss"

"No!! My son can't be dead!!"


"Please!! My son can't die!! Not my son!!"


"We tried everything Mrs. Sawada....dead people can't come back to life..."

*thump* *-eep!*


*thump* *beep!*
*thump* *beep!* *beep!*

"T-this is impossible!!"


"Quick!! Get the doctor!!"

The doctor quickly entered the room followed by a couple of nurses as caramel doe eyes slowly opened. They carefully assisted him to sat up in order to be examined. They put some pillows behind him for support.

Tsuna sat there in daze, but inwardly, he was confused as hell.

'Is this what Byakuran meant by his last gift? Am I back in the past? But I don't remember being hospitalized in the past except for minor injuries caused by the bullies...unless.."

Realization hit Tsuna, 'Another dimension....that's right. Byakuran has the ability to travel in different he sent me to another dimension..'

"This is a miracle!!' The doctor said in astonishment as he finished examining Tsuna.
Nana cried and hugged her son snapping Tsuna out of his thoughts. "Tsuna!! Tsuna!! Tsuna!!" she cried repeatedly.

Tsuna slowly hugged his mother back. "Shhh..don't cry mother" he said soothingly.
She cried harder and her grip tightened as if he would disappear the moment she let go.

The doctor and nurses left one by one in order to give the mother and son their space.

//5 days later//

Tsuna has been finally released from the hospital much to his delight. He hated hospitals. He is currently inside a cab with his mother, waiting to arrive at home.

Nana on the other hand has been very happy, ever since his little Tsu-kun woke up, (she has reverted back to calling her son Tsu-kun) he had been nothing but a dear, not causing her any problems inside the hospital and would behave.

He would always smile and tell her jokes to cheer her up when she was upset that her husband has never visited. It's like her son is a completely different person. But that can't be. In her mind, her little Tsu-kun had forgiven her for her mistakes to him before the accident occurred.

Finally arriving at their destination,  Nana paid the driver and went inside with her son.

"Tsu-kun, you can go ahead and rest in your room. I'll make dinner since it's getting dark" Nana instructed.

Tsuna shook his head, "No mother, I already had enough rest in the hospital. Let me change my clothes and I'll help you in the kitchen" Tsuna offered.

Nana beamed in delight at her son's offer, "Ara~ Your such a good boy Tsu-kun~ okay then, I'll wait for you here".
Tsuna nodded proceeded upstairs to change.

"Tsu-kun, do you want to go back to school?" Nana blurted out suddenly. She covered her mouth with her hands as she looked at her son to see his reaction. She didn't want her son to hate her again.

Tsuna looked up from his food, clearly surprised at the sudden question.
They had finished cooking dinner a while ago and are now currently eating.

'School huh....which leads to bullies...but maybe if I can change that...I'm sure it would be fun to 'play' with the bullies....' he smirked inwardly, 'maaan, Reborn must've rub off me'.

"T-Tsu-kun?" Nana called out snapping Tsuna out of his thoughts.
Tsuna smiled at her, "Okay mother, I'll go to school if that's what you want" he said.

Nana's eyes lit up at that answer. "That's great Tsu-kun!! When would you like to start?"

Tsuna's smile turned to a sadistic smirk that went unnoticed by his mother.

"Tomorrow." 'Oh this would be fun~'

Yup. Definitely Reborn's fault.

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