Omake: Nana's little talk

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*Ding Dong~*

*Ding Dong~*

"Coming, coming~" A cheerful woman's voice chimed from inside the house.

Nana opened the door with a huge smile on her face, "Ara~? Who might you people be~?" she asked.

Outside the door stood at least 5 men, two men stepped forward, one carrying a large brief case and the other a document, "Is this the place where Sawada Tsunayoshi lives?" he asked.

As if on cue, said boy appeared beside his mother, followed by his best friend, his eyes narrowed at the sight of them, "Good afternoon, gentlemen, care to share what business do you have here?" he asked politely.

The two men shared a look, the one carrying the document held up the said piece of paper for them to see, "Sawada Tsunayoshi, for possessing a large amount of knowledge and coming out at the top of the most knowledgeable person here in japan in a very young age, we are here to take custody of you and raise you under the government's order" they said in unison.

Takeshi's eyes widen, as did Nana and Tsuna's. "Wait. You want to take Tsuna away?!" Takeshi said in disbelief.

"No, they aren't. I'm not going with them" Tsuna growled.

"You have no choice."

"It is the government's order"

They reached out to take hold of Tsuna. Before Tsuna could act, Nana stepped in front of her son, a wide sweet smile adorning her face, "Why don't we have a nice little chat before all of you leave, hmm~?"

The two men didn't get to answer her when they suddenly found themselves tied up and gagged, as did the other three. Nana turned towards her wide eyed son and best friend.

"Tsu-kun, Take-kun~ Kaa-chan, needs to have a nice little talk with this gentlemen, I'll be back in...let's say.....a few hours~ you can go ahead and cook tonight's dinner, Tsu-kun~ Take-kun can stay for dinner too, anyway, bye bye~!!" Nana bid as she left, dragging the 5 tied up men with her.

"Tsuna...." Takeshi called.


"Maman looked.....scary.."

"I know..."
Nana dragged the five men to an unknown alley, far away from the Sawada household.

"🎶 Hmm~ mmm~ 🎶 La~ la~ la~ 🎶🎶"

Finally reaching her destination, she effortlessly threw the tied up men inside. Nana skipped towards them and took out a kitchen knife.

She proceeded to cut the rope of the man she guessed as their leader, after taking off his gag. Leaving the other four still bound and gagged.

"What the hell is wrong with you, woman?!" The same man that was talking to her Tsu-kun earlier yelled, rubbing his bruising wrist.

Nana's eyes took a certain gleam to it before the leader suddenly found himself slammed into a wall, Nana growled, her hand gripping his collar tightly.

"You listen here you prick!! No one and I mean no one takes away my son from me, are we clear!?"

Fear flashed through the man's eyes but he didn't back down, "Well sorry to inform you but like I said, it is under the government's order and you're only a citizen which is under the government. They wish to take your son? They can, and you can't do anything about it!!"

Nana clenched her teeth, her anger rising, using her free hand, she took out a.....frying pan?

Ooooookay.......Where she got that, you'll never know.

Anyway, back to the story.

She raised the frying pan threateningly at the man, "I. Will. Not. Let. Any. Of. You. Take. My. Son. Away. From. Me!!" she hissed.

Iemitsu had already taken away her first born, she'll be damned if her youngest would be taken away from her too, especially to those people she doesn't know and only wish to use her son for their own benefit.

"And as I have repeatedly said, It is the government's orders, what are you gonna do about it, hit me with your frying pan?!!" he taunted.

A tick mark appeared on Nana's head.

"Try. Me"

Soon, screams of pain and pleads were heard from inside the alley. People passing by didn't even bother to check out what was happening, it was a normal occurrence after all, especially if the Hibari are living in town.

Too bad they didn't know that it was a sweet gentle loving woman who caused it this time.

Nana smirked at the unconscious pile of men on the ground.

"Oh my, what do we have here?"

Nana turned around and came face to face with Kyoya's mother, Hanako.

She smiled brightly, as if she didn't beat some men into pulp earlier, "Ara~!! Hana-chan~ So good to see you~!!"

Hanako and Nana smiled at each other, "So, what's going on today, Nana-chan~? You seem like in a bad mood"

"Oh, well~ this people here said they'll take my Tsu-kun away and raise him under the government, I just had a nice talk with them"

Hanako's smile widen, "Oh~? So let me guess, they agreed not to take Tsuna-kun away after you talked to them"

Nana beamed and nodded, "They're such nice gentlemen~ but you know...I'm a little troubled.."

Hanako smirked at what her friend was implying, "Don't worry, Nana-chan. I'll take care of them~!!" she chirped, " Tsuna-kun is left alone in the house, right? You better return back now or he'll be worried"

Nana smiled and hugged her friend, "Yeah, but Take-kun is with him. Too bad Kyo-kun caught a cold, tell him to get well, okay?" she said.

Hanako nodded, "I will"

Nana giggled and waved goodbye to Hanako who waved back.
"I'm home~!!" Nana announced from the door, she was greeted by the delicious smell of what her son is cooking.

Tsuna poked his head out of the kitchen, "Welcome home, mother" he greeted with Takeshi beside him.

"Welcome back, maman" Takeshi greeted.

The two boys stepped out the kitchen, "So, what happened to them?" They both asked bluntly, making Nana laugh.

"Oh, them? Well~ we had a little talk and it seems they got my point so you two don't need to worry about them anymore~" she replied, patting both their heads before heading to the kitchen.

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