Chapter 11

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"Yo!" -Italian
"Yo!" -Japanese

Tsuna clenched his fist as he watched men in black tie the terrified people and children.

A little while ago, after accompanying his mother and Takeshi in the art gallery, he heard a commotion and went to check it out, but not before strictly telling his mother and Takeshi not to go out the art gallery.

When he arrived at the source of all the commotion, his eyes widen as some 'guests' who are at the party took out guns and pointed it at the remaining guests.

Thankfully, he managed to hide away from them.

His eyes wondered to Gemma, the host of the party, who is tied up and is separated from the others. He stood up from his hiding spot and began to head towards the Art gallery. He has some planning to do, right after he makes sure his mother and Takeshi is in a safe place.

"What do you want to achieve by doing this?!!"  Gemma yelled at his captors.

"That's none of your concern, old man" one of his captors replied.

"Yes, we are just doing boss's orders" the other replied.

Gemma glared at them but didn't say anything further. Ganauche who is beside him looked at Ciel worriedly. Said boy looked indifferent, as if he was used to this kind of things.

(A/n: Tsuna didn't see them because a big pot of plant is covering the two)

"Ciel, are you okay?" Ganauche whispered.

"I am fine uncle, do not worry about me, concentrate on how you can help the other hostages" Ciel replied tonelessly.

Ganauche closed his eyes and nodded, he was sure that the Vongola HQ has already been informed and is on their way. Right now, he needs to formulate a plan.
Art Gallery:

The door slammed open. The room's occupants looked at the person who came in.

Tsuna froze at the scene he witnessed, Two men in black like the ones that are in the ballroom is tying his crying mother with an unconscious Takeshi lying beside her, blood pouring out from the wound on his head.

"Tsu-kun!!" His mother cried out before falling to the ground, unconscious, when one of the men in black hit her at the nape of her neck.

"Hey, why is that kid roaming around free?" The other man hissed at his partner.

"I don't know, just get him and tie him up!!" His partner hissed in return.

The man grunted and stood up to get Tsuna who still stood there in shock.

'So not only in the ballroom but they're all over the mansion' he thought. His eyes fell on his best friend's form, the wound on his head looked very serious and needed to be treated immediately.

His eyes turned into slits as orange flames roared into life on his forehead and both of his hands. "How dare you!!" He growled.
The two men's eyes widen at the sight of the flames as they backed away in fear, "What is he saying?" The man asked.

His partner shook his head, sweat dripping down his face, "I don't know but one thing I'm sure is that we are in deep shit right now, he's got fucking sky flames for pete's sake!!"
The man looked at him, "Who's Pete?" he asked curiously.
His answer was a whack on his head, "Dumbass!!" His partner yelled.

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