Chapter 39

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A/n: I'm very sorry for this very late update. Also, It is going to take some time for me to publish the next few chapters since I am currently very busy with my projects and because I have been selected as a script writer for our movie making project.

But as soon as I find a free time or am done writing the script, I will go back on updating this story. I'll try everything I can to find a time to write this, that I promise....

I hope you all understand.

As soon as those words left the mouths of the 7 babies, Aria had slumped down on the ground, loosing the strength to even stand up.

"N-no way....."

Don't get her wrong, she was happy that the pacifier rejected her, meaning, she won't get the curse but....that would mean another person would suffer in her place and she absolutely don't want that. For her, it would be better to receive the curse rather than some unknown person who doesn't even have a clue or any idea to what was going on.

Fon furrowed his brows, "This is very unsettling, without knowing who the sky pacifier had chosen, it would mean her/his life is in danger for possessing the sky pacifier."

Colonello placed a hand on his chin, "That would be if that person knew s/he was chosen, if not, then....."

"Stop right there"

All the attention focused on Verde who adjusted his glasses, "We should not be worried for the chosen sky "

"What do you mean we shouldn't be worried?! We're talking about our sky here!!" Skull yelled.

"Shut up, Lackey, Didn't you get the meaning behind those words?......Then again, you are an idiot so never mind" Reborn said, petting his pet chameleon.

"Why yo-" Skull began but was cut off by Aria.

"Reborn's right, Skull. What Verde means is that we don't need to worry since the pacifier will hide itself within the chosen's body and will only reveal itself depending on a certain situation, in other words, no one would know s/he is the new holder of the sky pacifier unless they are an arcobaleno since the pacifier glows when it is near each other" she explained.

"Then we should separate and contact each other if one of us manages to find him/her" Fon said.

Reborn hopped off of his chair and walked away, "I don't plan on getting involved with this" he stated.


"Don't get me wrong, Aria, while I am curious who the pacifier chose, It doesn't mean I will accept that person, I am not the type who will follow anyone just because s/he was chosen to be the new sky, if that person wants me to accept him/her then once you find who s/he is, tell that person to prove himself/herself worthy of my trust and loyalty, then and there will I decide if s/he is worth my service" with that, Reborn left the room, leaving the others in stunned silence.

Iemitsu watch Timoteo and Shamal talk while the guardians would sometimes voice in their thoughts. He had followed Coyote earlier and he was shocked to see his son lying on the bed inside, oblivious to the world. He inwardly smirked, so this was that blasted storm was hiding...........this was........

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