Chapter 13

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Yo!" -Italian
"Yo!" -Japanese
Ganauche dusted his hands as he glared at the two mafiosi lying on the floor. Good thing that the others who were guarding them were called out for something *cough* Tsuna *cough* earlier leaving them with only this two who had the guts to kick his charge and treat Nono's best friend roughly.


Ganauche turned towards the door in a fighting position, he relaxed when he recognized the men in black as members of the Vongola and CEDEF.

"Sir!! Are you alright?!" one of the Vongola mafiosi asked.

Ganauche nodded, "Yes, I am fine. Get rid of these two bodies for me, will you, and help Sir Gemma" he said as the men moved to comply.

Ganauche rushed towards Ciel and helped him up, "Ciel, are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

Ciel grunted, "I am fine, uncle. This is nothing",

'I'm used to this kind of things anyway' he thought.

Ganauche frowned but nodded nonetheless, he looked at Gemma who smiled at him.

"Before you ask, Ganauche, I am fine. How's the boy? I owe him one for saving me after all"

Ganauche blinked.

"The man who held me earlier took out a gun and positioned it to my head, I would've been dead by now had the boy not interfere" Gemma explained after seeing Ganauche's confusion.

Ganauche looked at Ciel with wide eyes, he didn't notice the man try to kill Nono's best friend at all yet his charge did and even risked his safety for the sake of the other.

Ganauche grinned and ruffled Ciel's cream colored hair. "I'm very proud of you, Ciel"

Gustavo sent a punch at Tsuna. Without thinking, Tsuna caught the other's wrist and bent it in an unnatural way, effectively breaking it. Gustavo cried out in pain and backed away as he clutched his broken arm, he stared intensely at Tsuna.

"You really are very strong, I'm wanting you more and more, Tsunayoshi~" he purred.

Tsuna grimaced, 'Son of a biscuit!! He's a masochist!!'
Somewhere in the Mansion:

"Where the hell are we?!!!" Iemitsu screamed in frustration.

"Calm down, Iemitsu!! Let me remind you that you're the one walking like you own the place and got us lost!!" Lal yelled.

"It's not my fault this mansion is big" Iemitsu mumbled.

"Well, the Vongola Mansion is bigger and so is the CEDEF! So how could you get us lost in a place that is actually smaller than our place!!"

"I don't live in this mansion, do I? So what or who gave you the idea that I know the way to things around here!!" Iemitsu argued.

Lal smacked Iemitsu in the head. "Then next time, think before you lead us to who knows where!!"

"ENOUGH!!" Coyote's voice boomed, startling the two.

"Arguing will get us to nowhere, let's keep looking" Coyote said.

The two complied but not before they glared at each other.

Tsuna ran out the kitchen after finally knocking out his enemy. 'Despite being a flippin pedo and a masochist, Mr. Pedo is stronger than I thought'

He stopped and hid when a number of mafiosi walked past his hiding spot. 'They're from Vongola' Tsuna thought.

He froze when he saw two familiar people, a man and a woman. The man has short, brown hair and narrowed eyes while the woman has straight light brown hair partially worn in a bun, purple eyes, and wears glasses.

''Turmeric and Oregano....Fudge, This means Iemitsu's here'

Tsuna turned and ran towards the direction of the Art Gallery.

Coyote, Lal, and Iemitsu were still walking, well, the two men are, Lal is riding on Coyote's left shoulder.

"Urghh..How much longer till we find a single room, we're on a damn rescue mission for hell's sake!!" Iemitsu whined.

"Stop whining, Iemitsu!! It's your fault we got lost so you have no right to whine!!" Lal hissed.

Iemitsu was about to start an argument again but was interrupted by Coyote.

"Looks like we found one room now" Coyote said as he pointed to the room that is a little far from where they are standing.

Iemitsu lit up, "Finally!! Let's go!!" He said as he made his way to the said room.

Lal rolled her eyes at Iemitsu before squinting it to read the words written on the door.

Ciel was lost.

He sneaked out from the ballroom earlier when his uncle was talking to Sir Gemma and severals of the men in black he knew as the subordinates of his uncle.

He found himself in a bedroom of some sorts. He looked around and inwardly winced as he found out that this is the Master's bedroom a.k.a Sir Gemma's room.

He knew he will get in trouble if his uncle found out that he entered Sir Gemma's room without permission. He was about to go out when he spotted a door inside the said room.

'What's a door doing inside a bedroom?' He thought curiously, he looked at his left and saw another door with :Bathroom: written on it, so it can't be a bathroom.

He looked back at the former door and began to read the small words written on the sign that is hanging on the said door.

.My personal door leading to my favorite place in the mansion.

Ciel thought for a while.

'I think Sir Gemma mentioned that he likes anything related to arts and stores them in his favorite he made a way leading to it from his own room? Interesting....I wonder....'

He wanted to check it out but as they say, Curiosity kills the cat.
'Meh' he shrugged, 'I'm not a cat anyway so curiosity can't kill me' he thought as he opened the door.
A woman slowly opened her eyes, revealing caramel orbs. She immediately clutch her neck that is throbbing in pain.


Suddenly, her eyes widen as she remembered her memories of the earlier events.


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