Omake: Waking Up Tsuna

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It was a lovely morning in Namimori Japan. Takeshi is currently dragging a pissed off Kyoya (who is still wearing his pajamas) towards the Sawada household.

Finally reaching their destination, Takeshi rang the doorbell.

*Ding Dong~* *Ding Dong~*

"Coming, coming~!!" A voice from inside the house responded.

(Door opens)

"Ara~ Take-kun!! And Kyo-kun is here too~!! Did you two come to play with Tsu-kun~?" Nana exclaimed, ignoring the fact that it was 5:00 in the morning.

"Ohayou, maman~!! Yeah, we came to play with Tsuna today~!!" Takeshi chirped.


Nana beamed as she ushered the boys in, "Come in, Come in~ Tsu-kun is still asleep~!! you can eat breakfast as you wait for Tsu-kun~!!"

The two boys went inside the house.
"Mmmhmm~!! Delicious~!!" Takeshi said as he took another spoonful of soup. He turned to Kyoya who was calmly eating his share, "It's delicious, right? Kyoya-senpai~?"


"I'm glad you boys like it~!!" Nana chimed, then, her large brown eyes landed on Takeshi, finally noticing something.

"Oh dear, Take-kun? why do you have several bumps in your head?" Nana asked worriedly.

Takeshi swallowed his food and laughed, "Hahaha!! Kyoya-senpai and I played for a while before coming here~!!"

Kyoya glared at Takeshi.

Who said he could just barge in his room like he owned the place and dragged him to the omnivore's house? Actually, how did the idiot herbivore even know where he lives?! He had to investigate later....

Luckily for him, there are only a few herbivores who saw him being dragged while still wearing his pajamas (it broke a little of his pride) because of how early it is. He had tolerated the herbivore for he is, dare he say it, his friend. Though, he'd rather die than admit that.

He had punished the herbivore on the way by only whacking him on the head several times using his tonfas (which is always with him).

He wondered why the smiling herbivore didn't get a concussion yet.....

"Ara~? You have to play safely next time, it's bad if any of you get hurt" Nana chided.

Takeshi nodded with a grin before finishing his soup.

"Come on, Kyoya-senpai~!! Let's wake Tsuna up!!" Takeshi said as he once again dragged Kyoya towards Tsuna's room.
The door to Tsuna's room slowly opened as Takeshi poked his head in.

"Tsuna?" He called, looking around the room before spotting the brunette, sleeping soundlessly.

Takeshi made his way towards his best friend's bed while Kyoya remained standing on the door, leaning on its doorframe.

Takeshi shook Tsuna in attempt to wake him up.

"Tsuna, wake up!! Let's play!!"

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