Omake: Tsuna's Dilemma and Revenge

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Left. Okay.
Right. Okay.
Tsuna stepped out of his hiding spot when he saw no one there. Why was he hiding you ask?

It all started 3 hours ago...


"Mother, I'm going over to Kyoya's house!!" Tsuna called while putting on his shoes.

Nana came downstairs with a basket of fresh washed laundry. Smiling, she nodded, "Okay, but be sure to get back before dinner~"

"Hai. Then, I'm going now" Tsuna bid as he opened the door. He was about to step out when something collided on his back.


"Nii-san!!" exclaimed a very hyper Ciel.

Tsuna groaned, he sat up after making sure Ciel was already off of him. "Hey there Ciel, you're cheerful today"

"Un!!!" Ciel replied, grinning widely and just disappeared.

Not a second later, screams from their neighborhood were heard.

"Mother!! Did you, by any chance, feed Ciel chocolate?"

Nana poked her head from the yard's door, where she was hanging the laundry, "Mm~ Ciel had chocolate chip pancakes with chocolate syrup for breakfast"

Tsuna face-palmed, "Mother, you know you're not suppose to feed Ciel any chocolate!! Remember the last time that happened when he ate those?"

Nana smiled in amusement, "Of course~ All our neighbor's chocolates mysteriously disappeared, all their clothes were dyed neon pink, including their hair, and their faces were painted with ink that took a week to wash off" she listed.

Tsuna stared at her, "So what did the neighbors do this time?"

Nana continued to smile, though, her smile took a dangerous turn, "Well~ you know~ them and the fake rumors they're spreading in order to try and humiliate us~"

Tsuna's lips twitched upwards, a small amused smile gracing his lips, his mother really held a grudge on those annoying neighbors, "Just don't go overboard, okay?"

Nana stared at her son innocently, "Whatever do you mean, Tsu-kun?"

Tsuna shook his head, still smiling. He stepped out of the door, "Mother..."

Nana tilted her head, "Hm~?"

"About those dyed hair and clothes...I did it"

Nana's smile widen, "I know~" she chirped, winking.

With that, Tsuna closed the door and headed to the direction of Kyoya's house, ignoring the screams of Ciel's victims.

A thought then occurred to him, 'I wonder when my family became sadists.....hmmmm..', he shrugged, 'Oh well...'
Time Skip.....

Tsuna was close to his destination. What he saw made him freeze on his tracks.

It was one of his worst nightmare, one that is his greatest enemy besides paperwork.

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