Chapter 48

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A/n: I'm sorry for always updating late but I'm running out of ideas. Can you please suggest some? It would really help. Thank you.

The three bearers of the trinisette watched all that was shown with wide eyes and mouth agape. Shock could be seen in their eyes.

Ciel slumped down on his knees, unable to believe that he....he was created by......oh god...his hands flew to his mouth to prevent a vomit from coming. Iematsu and Tsuna were at his side in a flash, Iekatsu rubbing his back while Tsuna was wiping the sweat from the boy's forehead.

Luce gazed at the three with clear sadness. Iekatsu looked up, his eyes shining from restrained anger, he opened his mouth, as if he was about to say something, but he quickly shut it and just gritted his teeth as he closed his eyes tightly while looking away from the scene that was playing before them.

Tsuna looked up, he was an adult in the body of a child, he had to be strong for his brothers, "Please...Luce-san....please stop it.." he whispered, gesturing at the.....scenes...that the woman was showing them, he didn't even bother speaking Italian.

The scene vanished, revealing the dome they were in and their friends and love ones outside of said dome. All of them were looking at them with surprise and confusion written in their faces. Probably because of their position.

Luce and Reborn's eyes met, the sun arcobaleno tilted his hat and nodded before looking away, while his fellow arcobalenos gaped at her.

Luce stared at Reborn for a little longer before returning his attention to the youngest sky, "I'm sorry if you had to see all of that, Ciel, but it must be done, for you to know who you truly are"

Iekatsu clenched his fist and stood up. He glared at Iemitsu with so much hatred, as if his dark side showed itself again.

Tsuna immediately stood up and placed a hand on his older brother's shoulder, gaining his attention, "Don't, Fratello. Not now. Ciel needs us"

Iekatsu heaved a large sigh, trying but failing to calm himself down, "Tsunayoshi...I can't.." He gritted out, fists clenching tighter.

Luce gasped, earning everyone's attention as the pacifier glowed once again, brighter than before.

What they saw next almost made them faint.

Iemitsu had a look of shock and horror, recognizing the woman inside the sky dome.

Timoteo looked surprise as did the others, Reborn looked deathly calm while his fellow arcobalenos were confused. The 10th generation guardians only stared at the sky dome with eyebrows raised, clearly not knowing that there was another woman who had their surrogate mother's face.

None of them expected the reaction of the 9th lightning guardian, who took a step forward, eyes wide, and mouth agape. Mixed emotions flashing through his eyes as he shook. He gulped as he slowly raised his hand, as if reaching towards the newly arrived transparent figure.


Ciel was curled up on the ground, arms wrapped around his knees as his head rested on top of them.

Kana knelt down in front of her son and proceeded to wrap her arms around him, " baby Ciel...."

Ciel slowly looked up, "''re my mom...right?...I..I don't know anymore!!" he sobbed.

A tear fell from Kana's cheeks, "Don't cry...please don't cry....I'm here, I'm here...I've always been here..."

Iekastu, Tsuna, and Luce watched in sadness and confusion.

The two skies gasped as their youngest brother grabbed his head, face scrunching in pain, "Ciel!! Ciel!! Fratello, what's wrong?!" Iekatsu asked, racing to his side as did Tsuna, they froze when their mother's twin, as they both now knew, began to sing.

Hush-a-bye, don't you cry,
Go to sleep my little baby.

Ciel's eyes widen as a sudden memory flashed in his mind.

Small hands reached out as the owner cried his eyes out inside the crib, searching for warmth. And then he felt it, his cries reduced to sobs then whimpers. Small head looked up, it was a blur, but a figure could be seen, "I'm sorry, my precious baby"

When you wake you shall have
All the pretty little horses.

He was inside a dark room. His mother has locked him up inside the basement again. He hang his head down and cried, "M-Mama..mama hwates me...". He was cold, tired and hungry, he felt more tears escaping his eyes, "Why doesh mama hwate me? Is..Is Ciel a bad boy?".

His breath hitched when he felt something wrap around him. He looked at himself to find nothing, he shook his head but stopped when he heard a woman's voice, no more than a whisper, "I'm sorry baby....please forgive me...Happy....3rd Birthday..."


Black and bays, dapples, grays,
All the pretty little horses.

Sounds of a whip resounded through the house as the boy cried out. "You stupid son!! Didn't I tell you to stop giving me those garbages!!"

"Forgive me, mother, I only wanted to make you happy" he replied, looking down on the ruined flowers that was stomped on.

"And now you have the guts to talk back to me, huh?!" she screamed, whipping him harder. He gasped when instead of the whip landing on his back, his mother was thrown off by a sudden large gust of wind, causing her to smash to the wall and falling unconscious. He looked at the side and saw ghostly figure of brunette, crying at the side. He didn't hear her when words came out of her mouth while still crying. When he blinked, the mysterious woman was gone. Was he imagining things?

Hush-a-bye, don't you cry,
Go to sleep my little baby.

He sat alone inside his room, staring outside the window with longing. How he wished he could go outside, play with the children his age. He sighed and looked down at his lap, knowing his wish will forever remain a wish....just a wish... His eyes widen, there is that warmth again, a warmth that always made him relax, comfortable, and in peace. He closed his eyes and slept.

Hush-a-bye, don't you cry,
Go to sleep my little baby.

He screamed in pain when his mother stabbed his shoulder with a knife. His eyes were tight shut with tears leaking out. "Die you useless son!!". The last thing he saw was a figure of the brunette he kept seeing, gripping his mother's wrist to prevent her from stabbing him. Amethyst met amethyst, then everything went black.

When you wake you shall have
All the pretty little horses.

Ciel went back to reality, he looked up and studied the face of the ghostly figure, crying in front of him before he finally understood.

"You're that woman..."

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