Chapter 10

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"Yo!" -Italian
"Yo!" -Japanese
((Italy, Sicily)) somewhere:

"Is the preparation for the attack complete?" A man demanded as he sat on a throne like chair with a few men in black bowing in front of him.

"Yes boss, Squad A is on stand by outside the mansion and Squad B has successfully infiltrated the target's party. All is awaiting for your further instructions" one of the man in black said.

The boss grinned, "Excellent."
((Italy, Sicily)) Gemma's mansion:

Tsuna stood stiff as he glanced around his surroundings. His mother and Takeshi is currently enjoying the buffet, though, he made sure he is close at them at all times in case anything happens.

A little while ago, as soon as he entered the ballroom where the party is taking place, his HI suddenly started going wild, letting him know that something dangerous is going to happen.

He can't leave all the people here and make his mother and Takeshi worry if he suddenly tells them to go back to their room, so he was left no choice but to stay.

"Hello Tsunayoshi!! Do you like the party so far?" called Gemma cheerfully.

Tsuna faked a smile, "Good evening Sir Gemma and Yes, Thank you once again for inviting us".

Gemma laughed, "Don't worry about it, I'm just glad you're enjoying it, and I see that your mother and friend enjoys it too"

Tsuna nodded as he glanced at his mother who is laughing and talking to a couple of Japanese people that was also invited while Takeshi chatted cheerfully with the kids of the said Japanese people.

"Excuse me for interrupting, Sir Gemma, but someone wants to talk to you" Gemma's secretary said.

Gemma nodded, "I see, thank you, Alfonso. Please excuse me, Tsunayoshi, I must go"

Tsuna nodded in understanding, "It's okay Sir Gemma, take your time"

Gemma smiled and left with his secretary, Alfonso.
Alfonso led Gemma at the corner of the ballroom where a certain man together with a kid was waiting.

Gemma recognized the man, "Ah! Ganauche, so nice of you to come!! Where's Timoteo?"

Ganauche smiled apologetically, "Unfortunately, Nono is busy and can't come, I am here in his stead"

Gemma looked despondent at the news that his best friend can't come, "I see, That's too bad, We haven't seen each other lately"

"I'm sorry" Ganauche apologized.

Gemma smiled and waved it off, "Now, now, there's nothing to apologize, When there's a party, it is for people to enjoy after all" he then noticed the boy beside Ganauche.
"Oh? And who might you be little one?" he asked.

The boy looked at him uninterestedly but answered him nonetheless, "My name is Ciel".

"Nice to meet you, Ciel"



"Please excuse him, he has a rough past and can't seem to get along with anyone" Ganauche explained.

Gemma frowned but nodded in understanding, soon, the two engaged in a conversation.


Nana and Takeshi called in unison as they walked towards him. Tsuna tilted his head curiously, "Yes, mother? Takeshi? Do you need something?" he asked.

" you know where the bathroom is? I really need to go" Takeshi asked as he scratched the back of his head.

Tsuna nodded before looking at his mother, "How about you, mother? Do you need something?"

Nana smiled, "Well, my friend there, told me that there's an art gallery near here and I really want to see it, It'll only take a short while"

Tsuna looked up in alarm, he can't leave his mother alone, not now that his HI is going haywire . "Mother, how about we wait for Takeshi and then he and I can go in the art gallery with you" Tsuna suggested.

Nana clapped her hands, "That's a good idea, let's go~!!"

Tsuna glanced back worriedly for the last time before exiting the room with his mother and friend.
((Italy, Sicily)) Vongola Headquarters:

"Sir!! We received entail that one of our Enemy Famiglia is plannig to attack Sir Gemma's party!!"

Coyote snapped his head at the one who said it, "What?!! What Famiglia is attacking?!"

"It is still unknown at the moment sir"

Coyote clicked his tongue, "Send someone to the Cedef, we will go to the party now!!"

"At once sir!!"
((Italy, Sicily)) somewhere:

"It's time...initiate the plan"

"As you command, boss"

The boss grinned evilly, "Let the party begin"

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