Chapter 2

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"Mother!! Ittekimasu !!" Tsuna said while running out the door, he halted when Nana called him.

"Wait Tsu-kun!! You forgot your bento!!"

"Arigatō mother, Ittekimasu!!" he said but not before pecking his mother on her cheeks as a goodbye.
Nana waved at his son who waved back, "Itterashai Kitsukete".

Tsuna arrived at Namimori elementary school with 5 minutes to spare.
He headed straight towards his classroom and greeted everyone cheerfully. "Ohayou Mina!!"

The classroom fell silent as everyone stared at him. One of the boys whom Tsuna recognized as one of his bullies named Somu walked towards him accompanied by his 2 buddies.

"Well, well, look who's here, it's Dame-Tsuna!! What you lost your memory and thought you have friends here?" Somu asked mockingly.
Tsuna looked at him indifferently, "Of course not, Is it bad to greet people?" he asked back.

"Why you!!"


Somu glared at Tsuna, "You're dead meat once we're outside Dame-Tsuna!" he spat.
Tsuna fake gasped "Why Somu-chan!! Are you telling me you eat people? Ewww"
The students snickered at Tsuna's joke, Somu was about to raise his fist and punch Tsuna when the teacher came in.

"Alright class, back to your seats"

When Tsuna sat down, The person beside him commented his actions. "Wow Sawada!! I can't believe you balk talked Somu!! He's one of the very violent students here in school and what if he beats you up painfully this time?" the last part was asked in worry.

Tsuna looked beside him only to find Takeshi's worried look. He held in his tears, this was not the time to cry, and besides, this Takeshi is not his Takeshi.
He forced a smile, "It's no big deal Yamamoto-san and don't worry, I can handle myself"

Takeshi hesitantly nodded. Though he and the brunette aren't close, he's still worried.

Tsuna sighed as he found himself surrounded by Somu and his 2 buddies. Somu stepped forward and smirked smugly, "I'm gonna make you pay for humiliating me in front of the class Dame-Tsuna"

Tsuna pretended to search inside his pockets, "But Somu-chan!! I don't have any money, see?" Tsuna said showing his empty pocket.

Somu's buddies covered their mouth to stop themselves from laughing at the brunette's humor.
Somu fumed in anger, "Shut it!!" he yelled at his buddies making them stop.

Somu glared at Tsuna, "I'll teach you for mocking me Dame-Tsuna!!" he gritted in anger.
Somu's buddies including Somu himself blinked when Tsuna started to take out his books, a notebook and a pencil.

"Okay Somu-sensei, what are we gonna learn today?" Tsuna asked in fake wonder as he held his pencil and notebook as if ready to write.

This time, Somu's buddies burst out laughing.

"Ahahahahahaha!!! Maaaaan, Somu, You gotta admit, he's funny, Hahaha!!"
"He got you- ahaha!! -there S-Somu pft!! Ahahaha!!"

Somu couldn't take it anymore, he lunged at Tsuna ready to punch him.
Tsuna easily evaded his attack causing Somu to stumble forward and trip falling face first.

Tsuna took out a stick from somewhere.

*poke* *poke*

"Somu-chaaann? You alive?"

Tsuna tilted his head to avoid the kick that was sent his way.
"Guess that's a yes" he muttered aloud.

Somu stood up as his glare intensified. "Damn you Dame-Tsuna!!!" he yelled. Tsuna magically took out a soap, "You should wash your mouth Somu-chan, It's bad to curse"

Somu lunged at Tsuna again intent on punching him in the face, "Shut that annoying mouth of yours!!"

Tsuna who is getting bored dodged Somu and hit him at the nape of his neck effectively knocking him out.

He turned towards Somu's buddies who are gaping after watching what had happened.
"You know, if you keep your mouths like that, flies will come in" he stated as they immediately closed their mouths.

Tsuna yawned and proceeded to walk back towards his classroom. "You should take him to the infirmary, he'll wake up soon enough".

As Tsuna continued to walk, his eyes flickered to 2 certain places.
He chuckled softly, 'So they were watching'.

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