Chapter 9

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"Yo!" -Italian
"Yo!" -Japanese
"Waaaaaah~!!! Look, Tsu-kun~!! There's a lot of pastry shop~!!!" Nana squealed in delight.

"Hahaha!! Their pastries must be delicious, But I still prefer our sushi though!!"

"Of course, Take-kun~!! Japanese food is still the best!!"

Tsuna smiled at his mother and best friend. They are currently strolling around the town as they have planned before the party.

He noticed some townspeople gathering not far from where they are standing. Getting curious, he tapped the person in front of him, successfully earning the said person's attention.

"Excuse me sir, Why are they gathering over there?" Tsuna asked.

"Oh! Apparently, there's a street performance going on there at the moment." the person said.
"If I may, What kind of street performance?"
"Well, I heard it's street dancing. Some say that they are really good and are all handsome, so mostly, girls gather there rather than us, guys"

Tsuna nodded in gratitude, "I see, thank you very much sir".

The person nodded and walked away.

Tsuna turned towards his mother and best friend to invite them to watch the street dance only to find them gone. "Eh?" he dumbly said.

He looked around but still didn't see them.

He blanched, 'Sweet Honey Ice Tea'.
((Italy, Sicily)) Somewhere around town:

"Cieeeelll!! Ciel, where are you?!"

Ciel clicked his tongue as he watched his uncle run through the crowd like a headless chicken while screaming his name.

He had escaped his uncle earlier because he was too annoying, asking him who cares what.

He turned around and proceeded to get farther away from his uncle. 'Anywhere is better than being near him' he thought.


Ciel groaned as he fell on the hard ground.
"Ah! Sorry, Are you alright?" came a familiar voice.

Ciel opened his eyes and was met with the same golden orbs that he saw back in the hotel yesterday.
He looked away from his eyes and observed the older boy's appearance, he has brown gravity-defying hair with bangs that passes by his mesmerizing golden brown eyes. He is wearing a grey, long-sleeve vest along with a white undershirt, black plaid shorts, and knee high boots. All in all, the older boy is very handsome.

He didn't know why but somehow, he seems familiar, like he had seen him before but he didn't remember where. Also, he somehow felt safe and warm in his presence.



He snapped out of his thoughts and blushed in embarrassment when he realized that the older boy has been waving his hand at his face, asking if he's still there.

"I asked if are you alright?"

"Ah! I'm fine umm...." Ciel trailed off not knowing his name.

"Oh! My name is Tsunayoshi"

"I'm Ciel"

"It's nice to meet you, Ciel. But, please excuse me for now, I am looking for my mother and friend, do you happen to see a brown shoulder length haired woman with large caramel doe eyes and a kid that looked to be the same age as me with black spiky hair and hazel eyes?"

Ciel flinched at the word 'mother' which didn't go unnoticed by Tsuna who narrowed his eyes.

Ciel didn't notice Tsuna narrow his eyes as he was busy thinking for a moment, recalling if he saw the said people.
After a while, he shook his head, "I'm sorry, I haven't seen them"

Tsuna smiled, "I see, thank you though. I must go now, bye". Tsuna waved goodbye to continue looking for his mother and friend.

Ciel could only stare at Tsuna's retreating form.
Tsuna continued to ask people if they had seen his mother and friend after he described their appearance to them. He sighed in disappointment when every person he asked would shake their heads or either say no. He ended up in the place where the street dance was taking place earlier.

'Where could they be? I only took my eyes off them for a few seconds and whoosh, they disappear' he thought as he looked down on the floor.

He looked at his watch and grimaced, it's 5:00 pm and they only got an hour to go back to the hotel and get ready before the party.

"Look! It's Tsuna!!"

Tsuna snapped his head at the direction of the familiar voice. "Takeshi!! Mother!!" Tsuna exclaimed in relief as he ran towards the said people.

"Where have you been? I was looking everywhere for you" he asked.

Nana laughed, "Well~ we were swept along the crowd and got lost" she stated simply.

"Yeah!! Good thing there was a man we bumped into that knows how to speak our language. He was also looking for his companion who also got lost but was found afterwards" Takeshi added.

Tsuna tilted his head as he inwardly frowned, "Where is he now?"

"Oh, he already went back after apologizing to us that he has something important to do and can't accompany us anymore, though, he did gave us the direction to this place after maman asked him" Takeshi replied.

Tsuna nodded but made a mental note to ask more questions later, right now, they have to get ready. "We need to go back now, we only have an hour before the party starts" he said.

Nana and Takeshi gasped, "Oh my, I didn't notice the time at all, I'm sorry Tsu-kun, if only we didn't get lost" Nana apologized.
Takeshi nodded in agreement.

"It's neither of your fault, now come on, we have to hurry" Tsuna said as the three hurried back to the hotel.

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