Chapter 44

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Mujakina Kana is a beautiful young woman with shoulder-length brown hair and large doe amethyst eyes. Her twin, formerly known as Mujakina Nana now Sawada Nana seeing she got married, walked beside her. Kana had a look of anger on her face, "Dammit, Nana!! Where the hell is that stupid husband of yours?! How could he let you leave alone while he goes off somewhere and making excuses that are all total  bullshit?!" she snapped.

Nana looked at her twin with wide eyes, "Kana!! Watch your tongue, Tsu-kun's with us!! He's just 1, what of he learns those words?!" she exclaimed in anger. The mentioned baby peered up from where he buried his face, which is his mother's neck, and towards his aunt.

Kana calmed herself down, "Haaah...You're right...sorry..."she breathed out softly before turning to look at her nephew, "Sorry to you too, little Tsuna~" she cooed, making the baby laugh.

Kana straightened herself, "But still, that doesn't mean I will not bash that idiot up once I see him"

Nana giggled, "Oh come on now, Kana, Why do you hate Iemitsu so much? He's working hard for the both of us" she said, gesturing at herself and her son. "Besides, he's also being a father by taking care of Ie-kun" at the mention of her oldest, Nana looked down, eyes filled with sadness and longing.

Kana saw this and her anger came back, "THAT'S IT!! 💢" she snapped. Tsuna whimpered at her loud voice while Nana looked at her in surprise, rubbing soothing circles on her baby's back to calm him down. She watched Kana turn around the stomping off.

"Wait, where are you going, Kana?!" Nana called out.

Kana whirled around, Nana flinched at the restrained anger in her amethyst eyes, "I'M GOING TO DRAG THAT IDIOT BACK HERE!!" she yelled before disappearing in the corner.

Nana could just stare at where her sister used to stand, speechless.

Kana slammed a large amount of money in front of the woman who is in charge of giving plane tickets to passengers.

"A plane ticket to Italy, Sicily. Now." she said darkly.

The woman sweated, hastily giving Kana her required ticket. As soon as Kana received her plane ticket, she walked away.

"M-Mam! Your-" she was too late, Kana had already disappeared.

"-change...." she trailed off. She sighed, "......troublesome..."

Kana stepped out of the plane, "Well, how generous of the pilot to actually let me take control of the plane after I asked him ~" she chirped, walking towards the direction of the exit.

The people who were boarding on the same plane as her were shaking as they waited for her to go out before also getting off of the plane. They had never felt so much fear in their entire life, plus the speed of the plane when it was traveling...*shiver*

Back inside the plane, the pilot was curled up at the corner, face white as a paper, as if he had just seen the devil himself.

Somewhere in the world, a certain hitman sneezed, "Hm....someone's talking about me" he muttered before firing the gun he is holding to his enemies.


Kana marched towards the place where she was sure as hell she would find her twin's idiot husband. She wasn't as oblivious as Nana if that what's he's thinking, Oh no sir, she knew what exactly is the job of her dear brother-in-law.

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