Chapter 37

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Kyoko held Lambo's hand as they ran away from their pursuers.

"Kyoko-nee-san!! What about Ryohei-nii-san?!" Lambo asked, looking up at Kyoko's teary bright golden orbs.

Kyoko wiped away her tears using her free hand, "It's okay, Lambo. Nii-san is strong, he'll get away from them somehow and find us" she said reassuringly.

Lambo's mouth trembled but he nodded nonetheless. They were both silent as they went further away from their previous location.

Hayato walked out of the training room with newly acquired wounds. He had just finished training with dynamites.

He had a proud smile on his face as he maneuvered himself inside the mansion, trying to find that perverted guardian of his. He was about to take a turn to the right when he heard people talking.

He would have ignored them if what they're talking wasn't suspicious to him. He leaned on the wall as he listened to them talk.

" sure about this?" Mafiosi # 1 asked his partner, Fante.

Fante looked at him dumbly, "Well duh, boss said we bring them to him, the other one escaped but I'm sure he'll be happy to know we managed to capture one" Fante replied to Lavoro.

Lavoro looked at his partner unsurely, "But...does it have to be here?"

Fante nodded, "Of course" he said confidently.

"But Fante!! This is the Vongola Mansion, what if we get caught?!"

Hayato's eyes narrowed at that, 'Caught? Caught for what?' He thought suspiciously. He wasn't called a genius for nothing.

"Don't be so cautious, Lavoro. We'll just lie if we ever get caught, we are mafiosis after all, deceiving is what we do best"

"But Fante, think about it, W-"

"Not another word, Lavoro. I am your superior so you will do well to listen to me, now, come on, before the kid in the car wakes up"

As soon as Hayato was sure they were gone, he bolted from his spot and towards the direction of the mansion's exit.

He needed to find that car.
It didn't take long for Hayato to find his target. After looking around to make sure no one's there, he carefully made his way to the black car.

After looking around once more, he nodded to himself and proceeded to peek inside.

Emerald eyes widen at what was inside. It was a kid, he looked to be a little older than him. He had white hair and tanned skin and he was tied up.

Grey eyes clashed with emerald orbs. He stared at the eyes of the older kid, eyes that is calling for help, since his mouth was gagged. Hayato nodded and signaled him to wait for a second before leaving the car's window.

Crouching down Hayato searched for a something to use to pick the car door's lock. He brightened when he spotted a hairpin, 'someone must have dropped it here' he thought.

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